Cheers quotes

515 total quotes

Gino: [comes up behind Rebecca] Hey, there. Remember me?
Rebecca: Yes, I do. You're Carla's son, Gino. And I did not appreciate the nude photos of yourself that you sent.
Gino: You know, it's the best I could do with the machine at the mall.
Rebecca: Gino, would you forget about it. I'm not going to go out with you. You're much too young for me.
Gino: Yeah, right. Cu-Cu-Ca-Chu, Miss Howe.

Henri: I win? France has won! France has won!
Frasier: There's something you never hear.

Holly Matheson: [interviewing candidate Woody] So what you're saying is there are no easy answers.
Woody: Well, not for me there aren't.

John Allen Hill: Ah, Miss Tortelli... is that a new hairdo, or did someone toss a toaster in your bathtub? What am I saying - what would you be doing in a bathtub?
Carla: Cleaning you out of the drain.
John Allen Hill: Yeasty oil slick!
Carla: Bladder polyp!
John Allen Hill: Man witch!
Carla: Perverted goat boy!
John Allen Hill: Sluttish mole!
Carla: Seven o'clock tonight?
John Allen Hill: Make it 6:30.

Kevin Fogerty: Maybe we need someone to blame. Maybe if we pick some faceless person at city hall to be responsible for all our problems then we won't have to accept any responsibility at all. Well, people, I say now is the time to start looking in the mirror. Because... if this thing is going to work, we are all going to have to make it work. The way a bunch of people made something work at Lexington and Concord. You may remember it... it's called AMERICA.
[The bar patrons applaud & cheer; Fogerty leaves]
Frasier: But he didn't SAY anything! Thank you, people, for proving my point. The voters of Boston are sheep.
Woody: Wow, I thought that was just a Hanover thing.
Frasier: Look, all I'm saying is that when it comes to voting, people just shut off their brains. I submit we could put a chimpanzee on the ballot and garner ten-percent of the vote.
Woody: Ho ho. Two Hanover things in one day!

Lilith: Well, I'm off. I don't know what the future holds. Whatever happens, I only hope I can realize my full potential. To acquire things the old Lilith never had.
Carla: Like a body temperature?
Lilith: That's very good, Carla. Incidentally, I've taken your little wisecracks for a few years now, you hideous gargoyle, and if you ever open that gateway to hell you call a mouth in my direction again, I'll snap off your extremities like dead branches and feed them to you at gunpoint.
Carla: Well, that was just rude.

Ma Clavin: [about the retirement home] Clifford, are you sure we can afford a place like this?
Cliff: Oh, yeah, Ma. Don't worry. Your insurance policies will cover it.
Ma Clavin: Oh, that's convenient. You'll have money left for hooch and slatterns.

Norm: Okay, Cliff, you want to tell me what's tattooed forever on my butt.
Cliff: It's a big American flag there, Norm. With the motto: "God Bless The U.S. Post Office."
Cliff: What's mine say?
Norm: "I Love Vera."

Norm: What do you want to do tonight, Cliff?
Cliff: Eh, I dunno, what do you want to do?
Norm: I dunno.
Rebecca: You guys, you do this all day long for hours!
Cliff: Face it Rebecca, we're bored, nothing ever happens around here.
[enter Andy Andy covered in dynamite]
Rebecca: [gasps] Oh my God!
Norm: Hey, it's Andy Andy.
Rebecca: What, you know this person?!
Cliff: Yeah, former major felon. Once killed a waitress.
Andy Andy: Where's Diane? I demand to see Diane!!!
Woody: Well, Miss Chambers hasn't worked here for 5 or 6 years.
Andy Andy: Oh really? Well, okay.
[walks out]
Cliff: So, what do you want to do?
[Rebecca turns around and gives them a look of disbelief]

Rebecca: [after the gang hears that John Allen Hill had a heart attack] Should we visit him at the hospital? Who wants to go? Come on you guys... he's our neighbor... we know him. We should see him in the hospital.
Norm: Rebecca, it's not like he's our best friend or anything.
Rebecca: Norm, that's not the point. The point is you have to pretend to be nice to people - that's what makes you a good person.

Rebecca: [to guests that have arrived at Cheers for their family reunion] I took the liberty of making name-tags for everybody. See: "Hello, My name's Rebecca". And this one is for you, Peter. [to Party Guest #1] And your name is...
Party Guest #1: We're all family. We know each other's names. [she walks away]
Rebecca: Let me make one out for you anyway: "B-I-T-C..."

Rebecca: Do you know what I am. I'm a phony. I'm a great big phony. Pretending like I liked Mahler just so some rich guy would ask me out. I don't even know his first name.
Woody: Gustav. Gustav Mahler.

Rebecca: Frasier, listen: I know Lilith coming back changes everything, so I'm just gonna step out of the picture, and there's no hard feelings.
Frasier: [completely oblivious to all she's saying] That bitch! Thinks she can waltz back into my life and start calling the shots!
Rebecca: I know what we almost had was very special, but we have a very special friendship too, so I think we should just leave it at that.
Frasier [still ignoring her]: ECOPOD, MY BIG WHITE BUTT! I was that close to popping her, you know that!? She's the mother of my child and I nearly did it!
Rebecca: I think we should just focus here, because, you know Frasier, I'm trying to be very gentle, because I wanna let you down easily, I don't wanna break your heart...
Frasier: [mimicking Lilith, still ignoring Rebecca] "I spent three days on a bus! Wah, wah wah!" Well cry me a river, bunhead!

Rebecca: I'm not a loser! Norm's a loser. Look at him eating ice cream.
Norm: Hey guys...did Rebecca just call me a loser?
Frasier: I'm afraid so, Norm.
Norm: Good...I thought she said leave me some!

Rebecca: This is what we losers do, Norm. At least we're not alone, we have each other.
Norm: You're not gonna kiss me again are you?? Cause I still have to drive home.