That '70s Show quotes

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[Annette's behavior when she is with Kelso is strangely familiar to Eric and Donna]
Eric: Did you hear that? The shrill voice, the bossy tone, the random hatred of all things that bounce. Oh my God, she's Jackie.
Donna: A new Jackie.
Eric: A blonde Jackie.
Eric and Donna: Blackie!!! [a dramatic chord plays]
Fez: We're doomed!

[At the campfire, Kelso tries a familiar song to rub Hyde and Jackie's breakup in Hyde's face]
Kelso: Something touched me deep inside the day that Hyde...lied [Hyde is giving Kelso a look]

[at the hospital, Red sees a sad Kitty]
Red: Kitty, how's Burt?
Kitty: I don't know how to say this. Daddy's gone to a better place.
Kelso: Good, 'cause this hospital sucks! [Red, Kitty, and the gang look at him] What? [comes to conclusion] Ohhh! [whispers to Hyde] This hospital sucks.

[During a circle, where the issue of Eric trying to convince Bob out of enrolling Donna in a Catholic school is discussed]
Eric: It's true. I'm gonna march over there and talk to Bob... I love a good march. My birthday's in March, then it's on to April. April Showers. Oh, The Seduction Of Eric Forman, starring the insatiable April Showers! [laughs]

[Eric and Donna are at the Hub talking about Eric's low S.A.T. score.]
Eric: Hey Donna! I got an 800. We're lucky I can wash myself.

[Eric and Donna are browsing the classified ads for places to rent near UW-Madison]
Donna: Eric, this place has a washer and dryer!
Eric: Wait. A washer and free water? My God, its like there's no reason to come home!
Kitty: [Kitty laughs] Excuse me. [walks outside to Red who is fixing the car] A washer and dryer, Red! They are going to have a washer and dryer! That redheaded harlot is going to be Shouting out my baby's grass stains! What about my last summer with my youngest child? I bet you weren't thinking about that when you went fishing! I bought sparklers for the fourth of July! He loves sparklers and now he's leaving and what are we going to do for THE FOURTH OF JULY?!
Red: Uhh... [smiling] There's a car show in Kenosha.
Kitty: A car show? I don't want to go to a goddamn car show in FUCKING KENOSHA! I just want three more fucking months with my baby boy, and now they're gone because of your bullshit! WAY TO GO DUMBASS! [storms back to house]

[Eric and Donna are sitting in the basement. Red has been pressuring them to marry]
Eric: You know what I think Donna? I think this whole get married-in-a-week stuff is just Red trying to get us to call the whole thing off. Yeah, but you know what? That ain't happening Missy. You know what we're gonna do? We're gonna teach Red a lesson and get married out of spite. Yeah screw you Red!
Donna: Wow! It's every little girl's dream to get married out of spite!

[Eric and Donna talk about bad taste at the Forman living room]
Donna: Well, I think this whole room is a great example of bad taste. [Kitty and Red just walked in]
Kitty: Excuse me?
Donna: Uh, Mrs Forman-
Kitty: I have spent years picking every item in this room so that I would be surrounded by the things that I love and the people I thought loved me.
Red: Hey, Kitty, how about a nap?
Kitty: [snaps at Red] And you, [picks up TV remote control] have you fixed the damn clicker yet? What good is a clicker if it won't click?!? [stomps at remote]

[Eric and Donna walk in on Jackie and Hyde kissing.]
Donna: What the hell!
Jackie: Oh, my God.
Eric: I'm blind!
Jackie: Get off me! [pushes Hyde away]
Hyde: [to Donna] Great outfit.
Jackie: So, yeah. What exactly did you guys see?
Eric: You, him, hands, tongues. It was horrible!
Donna: You were like Siamese twins joined at the beard.

[Eric confronts Red in the garage over being shallow about Kitty's revelation of being pregnant]
Eric: Hey, I was just inside with Mom and she's really upset. I just want to know...what's your problem?
Red: [turns to Eric] You made me bald.
Eric: What?
Red: Five generations...not one bald head in my family. Then you came along, and - Well, look at it! [shows off baldness] Children make me bald. [goes back to car]
Eric: You know what, wear a hat. [Red turns around] 'Cause Mom is really scared, and she could really use a little damn support right now. And I don't usually tell you what to do 'cause you usually do the right thing, but this time, you didn't. You know how you're always telling me to be a man? Well, be a man! [walks back to house, but faces Red again] I made you bald? You made me skinny!

[Eric just bought a gift for Donna]
Hyde: So, Forman, you finally broke down, huh? What'd you get her? Earrings? A little bracelet?
Eric: No, I got her way more than a piece of jewelry. I got her a gift that really says something - a diamond engagement ring.
Kelso: As a joke?
Eric: No, you guys, I'm gonna ask Donna to marry me.
Kelso: As a joke?

[Fez and Kelso are talking about Nina's parents embarrassing him for being "different" in the Basement]
Fez: You know, I've been called many names since coming to this country, but I've never been treated like that before. [Shakes his head]
Kelso: Fez, unfortunately there are some people in this world that are going to judge you on the color of your skin, or your funny accent, or that girly little way you run. [Fez nods in agreement] But you know what, you're not alone. Why don't you think the Martians won't land here? Cause they're green, and they know people are going to make fun of them.
Fez: You said it brother.I just wish there were someplace in the world where prejudice didn't exist.
Kelso: Well, thats Canada. [Pause] Yep good ol' Canada. They don't make generalizations about people because they are too busy playing hockey, or getting drunk, or putting maple syrup on their ham. [Nina walks in]
Nina: Fez, we need to talk.
Kelso: Hey, he might not be from this country, but he's beautiful, dammit!
Fez: Nina, our relationship is over. My self respect demands it, and there is nothing you can say to make me change my mind.
Nina: Fez, my parents are jerks, and I want to get back at them by doing it with you on their bed.
Fez: [Long pause] Except that. Thanks Kelso! [Kelso pumps his fist in agreement, as Fez and Nina leave]

[Fez confronts Nina for breaking up with him.]
Fez: Nina, I thought we were so happy together. What happened?
Nina: Fez, right now I'm at a point in my--
Fez: Oh, cut the crap, heart-breaker! I want the truth!
Nina: Hey, the truth is you're too needy.
Fez: Too needy? I'm sorry, but a man in his sexual prime has needs. And you are lucky to have such a stallion at your disposal.
Nina: No, your needs are fine. It's your neediness that's the problem.
Fez: Then why didn't you say that?
Nina: I didn't want you to make a scene.
Fez: You didn't want me to make a scene? You didn't want me to make a scene! [dumps the food basket of the man at the next table] Ha! You dump Fez, I dump fries! There's your scene! [to the man with the basket] Here's a dollar. Sorry about the scene.

[Fez has been caught by the police while painting the water tower.]
Fez: Um... I am a painter from a foreign country, and this is my gift to America!
Police: Get off the water tower!
Fez: [raises his arms] People of America, I give you "Genitals in the Sky"!

[Fez is uneasy after he admits having had a dream about Kelso]
Donna: That is awesome! Fez, you gotta tell us about this dream.
Kelso: Wha? No you don't gotta! Look at him! He's undressing me with his eyes, right now!
Fez: You undressed yourself you son of a bitch!!!
Eric: Fez, tell us what happened. And, and don't be afraid to use colorful words like sweaty, or fondle or forbidden. Go on.
Fez: Well...Kelso was a nurse. And there was ... sponging.
Kelso: Ohhh!
Fez: Hey, maybe, maybe the dream continued and we went to find some girls?
Kelso: Well, did it continue?!?
Fez: No! What could this mean?
Kelso: Well, isn't it obvious? It means that I'm gay!