[Fez and Kelso are talking about Nina's parents embarrassing him for being "different" in the Basement]
Fez: You know, I've been called many names since coming to this country, but I've never been treated like that before. [Shakes his head]
Kelso: Fez, unfortunately there are some people in this world that are going to judge you on the color of your skin, or your funny accent, or that girly little way you run. [Fez nods in agreement] But you know what, you're not alone. Why don't you think the Martians won't land here? Cause they're green, and they know people are going to make fun of them.
Fez: You said it brother.I just wish there were someplace in the world where prejudice didn't exist.
Kelso: Well, thats Canada. [Pause] Yep good ol' Canada. They don't make generalizations about people because they are too busy playing hockey, or getting drunk, or putting maple syrup on their ham. [Nina walks in]
Nina: Fez, we need to talk.
Kelso: Hey, he might not be from this country, but he's beautiful, dammit!
Fez: Nina, our relationship is over. My self respect demands it, and there is nothing you can say to make me change my mind.
Nina: Fez, my parents are jerks, and I want to get back at them by doing it with you on their bed.
Fez: [Long pause] Except that. Thanks Kelso! [Kelso pumps his fist in agreement, as Fez and Nina leave]

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