CSI: NY quotes

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Danny: Maybe this time they broke in to dump a car.
Mac Taylor: And a few spare body parts.

Danny: Pill-popping whack-job split with the murder weapon.
Angell: How do you know the person who has it pops pills?
Danny: How do you know he doesn't?
Angell: (holds up the bagged gun) Because he is a she and I am clean as a whistle. Who's got it on me? (hands the bag over)
Danny: Nobody.

Danny: So the night's not a total bust. But I still have to deal with this (looks over at numerous broken bottles and glasses on the floor). Perp's DNA and fingerprints could be right in front of us.
Angell: It's moments like this that I love that I'm not a lab rat.

Danny: So, you wanna - you wanna tell me why you won't marry me?
Lindsay: I didn't mean I won't. I just think it's the wrong time.
Danny: Wrong time. Wrong time or the wrong guy?
Lindsay: (sighs) Danny. I know I have thrown a lot at you, and we are both feeling really overwhelmed, but whatever we do next, I want it to be for the right reason. Wouldn't you rather walk down the aisle than be pushed?
Danny: Of course.
Lindsay: Okay, 'cause listen, I'm not going anywhere, and I know you're not going anywhere either, okay, but this is not just about you and I anymore. So let's just take baby steps, okay?
Danny: Okay. So, look, before we go inside, I wanna just tell you one more thing, okay. (Holds Lindsay) I just want you to know, that I love you.
Lindsay: I love you too, Danny.

Danny: Thought I saw you runnin' for the exit.
Lindsay: (tearing into the doughnut) Starving. My OB says I should pay attention to my cravings, no matter how inconvenient they are.
Danny: Yeah. Let me ask you something. You have any hereditary disease in your family?
Lindsay: (almost laughing) No. Do you?
Danny: No, no. No. Mental illness?
Lindsay: No.
Danny: No. How about addictive tendencies? Extra fingers, extra toes?
Lindsay: No.
Danny: No. Natural delivery or, uh, drugs?
Lindsay: Either.
Danny: Want a boy or a girl?
Lindsay: Healthy.
Danny: ... Will you marry me?
Lindsay: (looks thoughtfully at him) ... No.

Danny: What if she has twins, Adam? You hear stories about people being completely surprised. And you've seen Lindsay, I mean she's huge.
Adam: Whoa.
Danny: She knows it!
Adam: Relax, you saw the ultrasound. It's not twins, all right? You gonna be okay?
Danny: No, no, I'm not. I might go into cardiac arrest once she's giving birth.

Detective Danny Messer: What's the deal with your funny money?
Dr. Sheldon Hawkes: The value of the fake dollar just went up

Detective Danny Messer: [Enters Mac's office] Yo, Boss.
Detective Mac Taylor: Danny, what's up?
Detective Danny Messer: I put in for that vacation next month.
Detective Mac Taylor: That's right, the, uh, trip to Costa Rica.
Detective Danny Messer: Yeah, Costa Rica. Well it fell through, so you can put me back on the schedule, alright?
Detective Mac Taylor: Alright, I'll do that. Just let me know when you wanna take the time.
Detective Danny Messer: All right, thanks.
[Leaves the office]

Detective Danny Messer: [following her into the locker room] Lindsay.
Detective Lindsay Monroe: Danny, hey... I can't talk right now.
Detective Danny Messer: What's going on?
Detective Lindsay Monroe: What do you mean?
Detective Danny Messer: Come on. I saw you today at the health center. Are you sick?
Detective Lindsay Monroe: Danny, you should go back to work.
Detective Danny Messer: [placing his hands on her shoulders] No, no. No. You should talk to me.

Detective Danny Messer: [standing atop the Empire State Building] I thought the view from Liberty was nice!
Detective Mac Taylor: She's about eleven-hundred feet below us.

Detective Don Flack: Bernie Benton. Still hustlin' darts.
Bernie Benton: Don Flack. Still hasselin' law abidding ex-cons. Was that the same suit you were wearing the day you locked me up?
Detective Don Flack: Beats the orange one you wore in the joint, no?

Detective Don Flack: Was it worth it, Greg?
Greg Hufheinz: What? You think I was in on it? Well, you're wrong. Dead wrong. Carl was like family.
Detective Mac Taylor: What was your cut? Did you get the money yet? How much did they pay you to sit by and watch while your family fried in the back of that truck?
Greg Hufheinz: I already told you I couldn't get out of the cab! I tried to call it in, but the radio didn't work!

Detective Lindsay Monroe: [Enters Mac's office] Mac. Hey. Remember that wedding in Italy I told you about in March?
Detective Mac Taylor: Girlfriend from college?
Detective Lindsay Monroe: Very good. Well, they decided to postpone. So.
Detective Mac Taylor: You want back on the schedule?
Detective Lindsay Monroe: Yeah.
Detective Mac Taylor: [Suspicious look] No problem.
Detective Lindsay Monroe: Thanks.
[Leaves the office]

Detective Lindsay Monroe: Danny, I know you.
Detective Danny Messer: What's that supposed to mean?
Detective Lindsay Monroe: I just mean that I'm not expecting anything.

Detective Lindsay Monroe: I've had some bad sex, but nothing that would warrant killing the guy.