CSI: NY quotes

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Danny Messer: [after using glue and a coffee pot to check a knife for fingerprints] Think I've seen this on an episode of The Flintstones.

Danny Messer: [as Lindsay looks around the lab] Can I help?

Danny Messer: [at they enter the walk-in freezer] That's a lot of hamburger.

Danny Messer: [looking at his brother Louie in a hospital bed after being beaten] I understand why you did what you did, and I love you.

Danny Messer: [looking at three trees lined up and noticing one is bent over] Guess which tree needs Viagra.
[Mac has shown Aiden an unsealed evidence packet]

Danny Messer: [on the phone with Mac] I'm gonna go straight home without finding any bodies.

Danny Messer: [referring to a rock band] Wanna go see Rough Sects?
[Lindsay watches Mac shoot an arrow]

Danny Messer: (holding her in his arms for an experiment) Look you promised me drinks for this, but I think I'm going to need some dinner too.
Lindsay Monroe: I'm not going to give you anything if you don't get going. Make tracks, cowboy.

Danny Messer: [is trapped in a panic room until somebody can get him out] This is getting better and better, and I'm not spending a week in here with a crazy dead guy trying to figure the code, so do me a favour, call a locksmith.

Danny Messer: [on panic-room monitor] So you're telling me I'm stuck in this spaceship until tomorrow morning?

Danny Messer: Don't tell me you know a little something about football, please.
Lindsay Monroe: Is that so hard to believe?
Danny: No, it's just dangerous. I might ask you to marry me.

Danny Messer: Hey Montana! See a view like this, huh? Beats the wheat fields, no?
Lindsay Monroe: Have you ever even seen a wheat field? (walks away)
Danny: (to himself) What's to see? It's just wheat.

Danny Messer: It's hot a little bit, eh?
Stella: What the hell are you wearing that jacket for?
Danny: Ah, my mother still dresses me.

Danny Messer: So one of them died from the paint and the other one died for the paint.

Danny Messer: This guy's foul. Smells worse than dead.
Hawkes: Fish.