X-Men: Evolution quotes

180 total quotes

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Wolverine: Alright, I'll try to sweet talk the kid into not smacking down creeps and thugs who deserve it. But you'll be lucky if I don't end up joining him myself.

Wolverine: Maybe it slipped your notice, Chuck, but I'm not exactly the model of restraint.

Wolverine: When did the porcupine start shooting flaming arrows? Did I miss an upgrade notice or something?

[After Dorian Leech suddenly causes all the power to go out, including mutant power.]
Cyclops: ...That kid! Somehow, he is nullifying all the energy around here. Including mutant powers.
Wolverine: [Wincing in pain] Yeah... how nice.

[After Rogue dangles Gambit halfway out of the train with an iron bar.]
Rogue: I don't like getting pushed in any direction. Got it?
Gambit: Point taken. Now here's mine: Pull me in, or I blow this boxcar off the tracks.
(Rogue finally takes back the bar and pulls Gambit in.)
Rogue: You're just crazy enough to do it.
Gambit: We do what we have to, right cherie?

[Wolverine invades the Acolyte base and threatens Pyro.]
Wolverine: I'm looking for Gambit.
Pyro: Watch it, mate. You're wrinkling the uniform!
[Pyro forms a fiery dragon and uses it to attack Wolverine.]
Pyro: I'm real glad you dropped by, since I've been bored outta my skull!
[Wolverine eventually manages to destroy Pyro's flame-thrower, defeating the dragon. He then grabs Pyro.]
Wolverine: Where's you buddies?!
Pyro: Since Magneto's gone, Colossus bailed and went back to Russia, Sabretooth's out playing with a big ball of yarn somewhere, and Gambit didn't leave a note on the fridge.
[Wolverine slams him back into his chair and walks away.]