X-Men: Evolution quotes

180 total quotes

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Juggernaut: What are you trying to do? Embarass me to death? Come on, gimme your best shot!
Cyclops: You know, that's just what I had in mind. [starts to use his eye blasts against Juggernaut]
Juggernaut: You think that fancy visor's gonna stop me?! NOTHING stops me! I'M RAW POWER!!!
Cyclops: Yeah? You want it raw, tough guy? Then take it RAW! [removes his visor and uses his powers at full force]

Juggernaut: You can't stop the Juggernaut!
Wolverine: Forgive me for trying, bub!
[The X-Men and the Brotherhood have defeated Juggernaut by working together]

Kid: Hey, what's your special power? Can you, like, read my mind?
Rogue: Yeah, like I could find it.

Kid: I'm starting to think the old lady next door might actually be one.
(during the news channel coverage on the public's reaction toward mutants.)

Kitty: (dropping onto her bag) We're going to die out here
Evan: What about me, I'm a city kid
Rogue: (picking up her stuff) I'm going AWOL, anyone know how to hotwire a school bus?

Kitty: Eww! Professor! Kurt is, like, totally getting fur in the pool!!
Kurt: I am not!!

Kitty: Oh alright, but this does not mean we're on a date.
Jamie: It doesn't? {places corsage on kitty}
Kitty: Listen, you were the only one who didn't have plans. Besides you're, like, 12 years old.
Jamie: But Roberto lent me his suit and everything. He expects a full report.
Kitty: Jamie!

Kurt: (to Rogue) What are you doing here?
Rogue: Hey, look who's talkin'! At least I didn't blow the place up!

Lance: Better say your farewells 'Sumner', Cause you guys aren't coming back.
Scott: Oh, you got something in mind 'Rock Tumbler', cause I...
Jean: Scott! What do you think you're doing?
Scott: What?! Nothing! I'm just fed up with those delinquents getting away with everything while we're stuck playing by the rules!
Lance: Hey! We don't need our powers to beat you!
Scott: Aw, fine then. We'll all play it straight and you know what? We'll wave to you from the top!
Jean: Good. That's the deal. We're all competing fair; no powers, and I personally am very proud....
(Scott pulls her away)

Lance: Rogue, Mystique sent us to find you. So are you with us or them?
Scott: Mystique? You're working for her?
Rogue: Hey, Summers, you got your friends, I got mine. But this ain't my fight, I'm outta here.

Lance: You and me got a date, Pretty Kitty. How about a ride on a concrete coaster?
Kitty: Lousy ride, loser!

Logan: Cause it really ticks me off!

Logan: I still say you should have let me handle their survival training.
'Xavier: I gave them that choice, Logan. They felt they had a better chance of surviving the camp.

Logan: Now that was cold.

Logan: Where's your allegiance, kid, us or them?
Rogue: If I don't say you, will I get thrown out of this jet?
Logan: Nope, not our style. We've either earned your trust by now or we haven't.
Rogue: You.
Logan': Welcome to the X-Men.