CSI: NY quotes

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Flack: (Walking through a filthy alley) Friend of mine jogs in her bare feet. She keeps asking me to join her. I don't think so.

Flack: Criminal court judge assassinated in front of a sequestered jury, right under the nose of a half a dozen cops.
Mac Taylor: Brazen son of a bitch.

Flack: Hard to buy a professional thief moonlighting as a hit man.

Flack: Honestly, pal, I don't even need a confession. I'm just doing this for my own amusement.

Flack: I gotta know, you're a career criminal, you know how this works so what on Earth possessed you to bring your kidnapping victim back to your mother's house?
Jake Williams: You saw my mother, she's scarier than we are.

Flack: I know times are tough, but it doesn't make sense for anyone in the game to rob our vics for fake cash.

Flack: I'll start whacking the bushes, see if anyone was itching for a death match with our fighter outside of the cage.

Flack: Jacob Paul Williams. Priors for a little bit of everything. Armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon... do you realize how screwed you are?

Flack: Kid definitely knew how to defend himself. Whoever did this risked a serious ass-whupping if things went south.

Flack: So you were just out there following the judge, trying to dig up dirt on him so your boss could blackmail him?
Pavel Danshov: Blackmail him? Nyet. I prefer 'negotiate' with him.

Flack: So... you were out there last night. But you didn't do nothing. You didn't shoot nobody, you didn't see or hear anybody shoot anybody. That's your story? That's what you're going with, Nick?
Nicholas Albertson: That's what I'm going with.

Flack: We're canvassing the area.
Jo: Expecting the dead to speak?
Flack: For the murder weapon.

Flack: Why did you want the judge dead?
Nicholas Albertson: Okay. I give up. It was that cheap cologne. That's what did it... I mean, I couldn't take it anymore. Every time, busing that guy's table with that same horrible stench.
Flack: You think this is a joke?
Nicholas Albertson: I think this whole thing is a joke.

Flack: You and your brother are about as smart as bait. Makes your ransom drop plan a little inconsistent.
Jake Williams: Why do you say that?
Flack: Because it wasn't a stupid plan. You almost had us. So where'd you get the idea? Did you see it on TV or in a movie?

Flack: You recognize that guy?
Marty Bosch: Yeah, it's, uh... Ryan Richards. I've seen him fight. Why?
Flack: There were three murders in the city last night. Two of them have been solved.
Marty Bosch: And the third?
Flack: Ryan Richards.