WKRP in Cincinnati quotes

143 total quotes

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Jennifer: I already belong to a union. It's a quasi-religious group called the International Sisterhood of Blond Receptionists. There are only twelve members in the world. We meet once every two years in Switzerland. If I told you our minimum salary you'd have a heart attack and die. Bye.

Jennifer: Johnny Fever has come into a great deal of money.
Mr. Carlson: That soft drink machine break again?

Jennifer: Mr. Carlson, I have to go to lunch now.
Mr. Carlson: O-Okay, fine.
Mrs. Carlson: Uh, Jennifer. Who answers the phone when you're at lunch?
Jennifer: Usually I just leave it off the hook.
Mrs. Carlson: You think that's wise?
Jennifer: I don't know. It was Mr. Carlson's idea.

Jennifer: Mr. Carlson.
Mr. Carlson: What?
Jennifer: You're being childish about this.
Mr. Carlson: I am not. Boy, is this gonna make my momma mad.

Jennifer: So there we are standing at my front door, and he says, "Jennifer, some women would feel obligated after flying to New Orleans on a private jet and a moonlight dinner on a Mississippi riverboat, but I prefer a challenge. Someone who's interested in me, and not my money."
Bailey: What'd you do?
Jennifer: Well, I wished him luck, kissed him on his bald spot and wheeled him to his car.

Jennifer: Why Herb, this is a really fine French wine!
Herb: Is it? Well, I told the guy to give me the best he's got in the store without going over fourteen bucks.

Jennifer: You're Les' fiancée?
Darlene: Mm hmm.
Jennifer: Uh huh. Does Les know about this?

Johnny's Ghost: Bailey runs a television station in Chicago. Travis is breeding guard dogs in New Mexico. Venus owns a clothing company called "Upwardly Mobile." Jennifer married and bought herself an entire island off the coast of Sardinia. Les Nessman? The Republican whip of the United States Senate!
Mr. Carlson: What about you and me? Fever and me?
Johnny's Ghost: Well, Fever just sort of ... disappeared. There were rumors, of course, but really not much else.
Mr. Carlson: And me? No no, don't tell me, I don't want to know. I'm dead, aren't I?

Johnny: [about being alone on Christmas] Do you know how hard it is to find a 2 lb. turkey?

Johnny: [after Andy's pressure to play a Top 40 song] Okay babies, we've got time for just one Top 40 Hit, so let's check out the Captain and Tenille. Uh oh! No more time. Maybe tomorrow!

Johnny: [after hearing the sirens] It's the phone cops. They know what I did here today.
Venus: What are you talking about?
Johnny: They're coming to get me, man!
Venus: That's paranoia, man!
Johnny: Wake up, sucker, this is the phone company we're talking about! They see everything, they know everything, they got their own covert police force! I'm probably wired for sound right now! I gotta get out of here!
Venus: Johnny!
Johnny: Don't use my name!!

Johnny: [after playing Christmas music] I don't get it either, babies, but somebody out there likes it. So we'll just keep shoveling through the seasonal syrup. Not too much left of this season of good cheer and bad music.

Johnny: [Horrified] Look man, I've been in jail in Mexico. My father called me what's-his-face for seventeen horrifying years. My second wife tried to kill me with a Ronco Vegematic! My mother and I were in a tornado once. We were in a mobile home, and I think God must really hate mobile homes, Andy, cuz tornadoes always attack them first. They get very mobile.

Johnny: [on sex frequency per week statistic] 2.96? I wonder how they do the, uh, .96 part.
Bailey: That is just an average, Johnny.
Johnny: Well, it should average out to three. Somebody's not doing something right!

Johnny: [to Buffy] So you put poison in the brandy. That's very Medieval of you.