Entourage quotes

174 total quotes

Ari: I do what I do and I'm pretty good about it, I'd spend every last dime that I have to show her how much I care about her.
Season 8

Ari: Even with a million-man army you sometimes have to do the grunt work yourself. Saddam Hussein had to hang a few without his assistants.

Ari: If you don't want to talk and you don't want to have sex, what else is there to do in here?
Mrs. Gold: Do you want to talk?
Ari: I'd rather have sex.

Drama: Look, E, I know we've had our ups and downs but I want you to know I appreciate this.
Eric: Have we had downs?
Drama: No, but we probably will if we work together.

Drama: They gave me a holding deal!
Ari: The guy who grills my hot dogs at Carney's had a holding deal in 1978.

Scott Lavin: [To E] I'm gonna bring Murray down, with or without you.

[Ari fumes away at Amanda Daniels inside an Italian restaurant]
Ari: You're sorry, sorry for what? [stands up] You're sorry for leaking slanderous, out-of-context -
Mrs. Ari: Sit down.
Ari: [gestures hand to Mrs Ari] - nonsense about me, huh, and for rifling through all of my hard work to steal my football team?
Amanda Daniels: No, no, your false-
Ari: Fuck you.
Mrs. Ari: Ari!
Ari: No no, hold on a second! I've never hit a woman in my entire life, but I swear in my mind, right now, I am pummeling your smug face to a pulp for everything you've done to me, my career, and my family. But not to worry, alright because I will prevail, because I'm a winner, and you're a whore with more cleavage than talent, and I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL I DESTROY YOU!
Restaurant Manager: Mr Gold, I have to insist that you leave.
Ari: Excellent choice, because I have a life to destroy!

[Ari is impressed with Lizzie Grant's performance during negotiations with the NFL]
Ari: What do you think of the name the LA Gold?
Lizzie: I like it.
Ari: I love it!!
Lizzie: Congratulations!
Ari: Congratulations to you! Huh? [embraces Lizzie and begins dancing with her] You killed it in there by the way! Maybe I'll make you a cheerleader there, who knows?
Lizzie: I prefer a GM.
Ari: Whatever you want ... [sees Mrs Ari come in] You won't believe it, baby.
Mrs Ari: Hello, I am Ari's wife.

[Drama catches Vince in bed with a woman]
Drama: That's not my hat, is it bro?