Boy Meets World quotes

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Feeny: All right, Mr. Matthews, what was I saying?
Cory: I was too busy absorbing to listen.
Feeny: Very good. Mr. Hunter?
Shawn: Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal.
Feeny: Dear Lord, he's right.
Shawn: It's been my answer for two years, Mr. Feeny. Sooner or later it had to pay off.

Feeny: Come along, Mr. Matthews! Don't dawdle!
Eric: I'm not dawdling. I'm just not wearing any underwear.

Feeny: I was cleaning out the attic and found a trunk that belonged to my great-aunt Fanny.
Eric: Fanny Feeny?
Feeny: Don't go there.

Feeny: Let's not call it "detention." I prefer "Hooked on Feeny."

Feeny: Mr. Matthews, interesting essay on Joan of Arc.
Eric: Thank you.
Feeny: But I doubt that Arc meant that Joan was from Arkansas.
Eric: It's a theory.
Feeny: It's an F.

Feeny: Well, Mr. Hunter! I see you do listen in class sometimes.
Shawn: Well, some days you're talking so much I can't sleep.

Feeny: What are you two doing?
Joey: Well, uh, this kid was choking on his lunch money, but luckily Frankie here knows the Floorlick maneuver. Ain't that right Frankie?
Frankie: Stop, you're embarrassing me.
Feeny: I'll see you two in detention.
Frankie: Why, what did you do Mr. Feeny?
Feeny: Something in my previous life, probably.

Frankie: I walk alone in this world, except for the grilled cheese sandwich in my pocket.

Janitor Bud: Okay... I didn't want to use this, Feeny, but what about that time I saved your life?
Feeny: Saved my life?
Janitor Bud: You were walking down the hall when I noticed a patch of waxy build-up on the floor. You were maybe two, three steps away. There was no time to clean. I had no choice but to throw myself onto the wax.
Feeny: I thought you were napping!
Janitor Bud: Well... once I was down there...

Morgan: Cory has a date.
Eric: So, who's the unlucky girl?

Shawn: [to Feeny] You're asking us for money, aren't you?
Feeny: Yes, I've hit rock bottom.
Shawn: Welcome!

Shawn: A 10:00 curfew? Cory, that means if I pick her up at eight, that only gives us... oh, that stinking metric system.

Shawn: As some famous guy once said, "Let there be light."

Shawn: Come on, just relax and be myself.

Shawn: I'm no rocket scientologist, but...