Pushing Daisies quotes

74 total quotes

All Seasons  
Season 1
  Season 2  

Ned: We were talking about phantom limbs and I blurted it out; it was like word vomit.
Emerson: Then you slipped on that word vomit and fell on your ass and now you all covered in word vomit.

Ned: Where'd you get this pie?
Aunt Lily: We thought you were having them delivered. Comes every week.
Aunt Vivian: I don't know how we survived without it: it's like a sex addiction! [beat] I would imagine.

Ned: You can't touch me.
Chuck: So a kiss is out of the question?
Ned: I just lost my train of thought.

Ned: You framed someone for murder you ASS!

Ned: You're the only one for me.
Chuck: I know you feel that now, but there are things you want. There're things we both want.
Ned: So? Everyone wants stuff, we wake up every day with list of wishes a mile long and maybe we spend our lives trying to make those wishes come true, but just because we want them doesn't mean we need them to be happy.
Chuck: What do you need to be happy?
Ned: You.

Olive and Chuck: Don't mess with the pie hoes.

Olive Snook: Boy it's cold. [laughs] You know, you could use a witch's bosom as a hot water bottle on a day like today.
Ned: Any sign of Chuck?
Olive: [imitating Ned] And how are you today, Olive?

Olive: Its a miracle bird. Its swimming in miracles, not diseases.

Olive: This is a pie shop, not a herbal crack den.

Olive: We're not at that stage in our friendship yet. Please don't cry in front of me.

Olive: Wouldn't it just be rock 'n roll if liking someone meant they had to like you back? 'Course that would be a different universe and something else would probably suck.

Oscar Virbenius: Nothing sells books like a little murder and mayhem.

Vivian: It used to make you so happy, the water. I think it's brave to try to be happy. You've gotten so comfortable being unhappy. Wouldn't it be wonderful to wake up in the morning and choose to be happy, to let the water wash everything away?

[Lily hallucinates after eating a pie with an overdose of anti-depressants.]
Lily Charles: When Charlotte was young, after we moved in, she used to stand right, right there, where you're floating, and watch the snow with me. At night, while she slept, I'd sneak into the backyard and make two snow angels. She never said anything, and I'd always play dumb. She thought they were her parents. One was her father, and the other one was me.
Olive Snook: You?
Lily: I'm Charlotte's mother.
Season Two

[Ned has brought back funeral director Lawrence to apologize]
Chuck: [noticing a pocket watch on Lawrence's body] Hey, I had one just like that.
Lawrence: Yeah, your dead body was buried with it.
Chuck You stole that off my dead body?
Lawrence: Well, your dead body wasn't doing anything with it.
[Chuck closes the casket; Ned tries to open it but can't]
Emerson: Oh, you better be playing.
Ned: [checks his watch] 12 seconds.
Emerson: Oh, hell no! [runs out of the funeral home making the Sign of the Cross]