Lost quotes

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Season 6

The Man in Black: [holding a knife to Jack's throat] I want you to know, Jack, you died for nothing!
Kate: [shoots MIB in the back] I saved you a bullet!
[Jack gets to his feet; MIB looks out at the Island as it slowly crumbles]
The Man in Black: You're too late...
[Jack kicks The Man in Black over the cliffs, killing him]

The Man in Black: [Looking out at sea] It sunk...
Claire: You mean the sub? But everyone was on board. What, they're all dead?
The Man in Black: Not all of them.
[MIB grabs a rifle and his pack and starts off into the night]
Claire: Wait, where are you going?
The Man in Black: To finish what I started.

The Man In Black: [to Jin and Claire] I hope I'm not interrupting anything?
Jin: John?
Claire: That's not John silly. That's my friend.

The Man in Black: Are you sure you won't reconsider, Jack?
Jack: Yeah, I'm sure.
The Man in Black: Well whoever told you that you need to stay had no idea what they were talking about.
Jack: John Locke told me that I needed to stay. [pushes the Man in Black in the water]

The Man in Black: Because... my mother was crazy. A long time ago, before I... looked like this... I had a mother, just like everyone. She was a very disturbed woman. And, as a result of that, I had some growing pains. Problems that I'm still trying to work my way through. Problems that could have been avoided had things been different.
Kate: Why are you telling me this?
The Man in Black: Because now Aaron has a crazy mother too.

The Man in Black: Hello, Richard. It's good to see you out of those chains.
Richard: [terrified] You?
The Man in Black: Me. [knocks Richard out and looks around at everyone else] I am very disappointed. In all of you!

The Man in Black: I need for you to trust me.
Jack: Why should I trust you?
The Man in Black: Because I could kill you, Jack. Right here, right now. And I could kill every single one of your friends, and there is not a thing you could do to stop me. But instead of killing you, I saved your life, and now I want to save them too.

The Man in Black: Remind me, Desmond, how long were you pressing the button down in that hatch?
Desmond: Three years.
The Man in Black: And here you are, back for more. If I didn't know better, I'd say the Island has it in for you.
Desmond: Oh there's nothing special about me, brother.
The Man in Black: I'm sorry.
Desmond: You're here too. If I didn't know better, I'd say the Island has it in for all of us.
The Man in Black: I couldn't agree more.
[The Man in Black is unsettled when he sees the ghostly boy he saw before staring at them]
Desmond: Who is that?
The Man in Black: ...Just ignore him.
Desmond: Do you know that boy?
The Man in Black: I said ignore him!
[Desmond sees the boy smile and run away]

The Man in Black: Were you following us, Claire?
Claire: Yeah,
The Man in Black: Why?
Claire:[Looking at Jack] Because he's my brother.
The Man in Black: Looks like you two have a lot of catching up to do. I'll leave you to it.
Jack: Claire, I'm-- I'm sorry we--
Claire: Did he tell you? That he was the one pretending to be our father?
Jack: Yeah, he did.
Claire: You know I pretty much gave up hoping that any of you would come back. And now that you're here...it's good to see you, Jack.
Jack: Yeah, it's good to see you too.
Claire: Well, I've never had much in the way of family so it really means a lot that you're coming with us.
Jack: Actually, I haven't decided if I'm coming with you.
Claire: Yeah you have.
Jack: What do you mean?
Claire: You decided the moment you let him talk to you, just like the rest of us. So, whether you like it or not, you're with him now.

The Man in Black: Why aren't you afraid?
Desmond: Excuse me?
The Man in Black: You're out here in the jungle, alone, with me. No one else on earth knows you're here. So I wanna know, why aren't you afraid?
Desmond: What's the point in being afraid? [MIB looks slightly intimidated, before smiling and then throwing Desmond down the well they were standing beside]

The Man in Black: You seem to be taking this extremely well.
Sawyer: Taking what extremely well?
The Man in Black: The fact that I'm here.
Sawyer: I don't give a damn if you're dead. Or time travelin' or... ghost of Christmas past. All I care about is this whiskey. So bottoms up. Get the hell out of my house.

The Man in Black: You're a candidate.
Sawyer: And what does that mean?
The Man in Black: It means you have three choices. You can do nothing and see how it all plays out. [Marks off John Locke's name on the wall] And maybe your name will get marked off. Or you can step up and replace Jacob and be the protector of the Island.
Sawyer: Protect it from what?
The Man in Black: From nothing, James. That's the real joke; there is nothing to protect it from. It's just a damn island! And it will be perfectly fine without you or me or anyone else whose lives Jacob wasted.
Sawyer: You said there were three choices.
The Man in Black: The third choice is we just go. We just get the hell off this Island. Never look back. So tell me, James. Are you ready to go home.
Sawyer:...Hell yes.

[After Jack heals him of his paralysis, Locke remembers his past life]
Locke:[Brought to tears] Did you see that?
Jack: See what? [Locke looks at Jack, overjoyed to see him; Jack has a flash of when he and Locke opened the Hatch but ignores it, confused] Mr. Locke, you need to lie back and take it easy.
Locke: [Trying to get up, very emotional] No, what we need to do is go.
Jack: No, you can't get up.
Locke: [Smiles happily] Will you come with me?
Jack: We are not going anywhere. You've just had extensive spinal surgery. Now you need to lie back. I- I need to see my son.[Starts to leave]
Locke: You don't have a son.
Jack: What?
Locke: You don't have a son, Jack.
[Jack seems confused and starts to leave]
Locke: Jack! I hope someone can do for you what you just did for me.
Jack: Get some rest, Mr. Locke.

[After Widmore attacks with mortars, The Man in Black carries a wounded Jack into the jungle]
The Man in Black: Don't worry, Jack. Everything's going to be okay. You're with me, now.

[Ben has given up Widmore and Zoe to the Man in Black]
Ben: Sorry, Charles.
The Man in Black: What a pleasant surprise. How nice to finally talk to you without those fences between us.[Looks to Zoe] And who might you be?
Zoe: Zoe, my name is Zoe--
Widmore: Don't talk to him. Don't say anything!
[The Man in Black interrupts by swiftly slitting Zoe's throat with his knife, she collapses in Widmore's arms dying]
Widmore: Why would you do that?
The Man in Black: You told her not to talk to me. That made her pointless. Now... Charles, it's clear you're not afraid to die. So there's only one way to motivate you to tell me what I want to know. Soon this will all be over. I'll get what I want. And I'll finally leave this Island. And when I do, the first thing I'm gonna do is kill your daughter. Penny.
Widmore: You'll kill her whether I talk to you or not.
The Man in Black: No, I won't. I give you my word.
Widmore: And I'm supposed to just take your word?
The Man in Black: You tell me why you came back here and I will not hurt your daughter.
Widmore: I brought Desmond Hume back here because of his unique resistance to electromagnetism. He was a measure of last resort.
The Man in Black: What do you mean "last resort?"
Widmore: [Looks at Ben] I'm not saying any more in front of him.
The Man in Black: Well than whisper to me.
[Widmore whispers in MIB's ear, before he is shot several times by Ben, killing him]
Ben: He doesn't get to save his daughter.
The Man in Black: Ben...You never cease to amaze me. Fortunately, he already told me what I needed to know. So, no harm done.
Ben: Good...Did you say there were some other people to kill?