Castle quotes

215 total quotes

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Castle: [ as the suspect runs away] Quick! He's heading for the time machine!

Castle: Don't we usually get to the victim before the funeral?
Beckett: What have we got?
Esposito: Mourners found a body in the caskett
Castle: And that's unusual how?
Esposito: Well, the family was bidding a fond farewell to Mr. Mank here and discovered that he wasn't going to the grave alone.
Castle: Is it just me, or is Mr. Mank smiling?

Castle: He wants to learn more about my writing process.
Martha: And by "writing process" you mean your procrastination until the very last second...
Alexis: And then writing out of a desperate panic in a caffeine-induced haze.
Martha: That one?
Castle: No, not that one. [Alexis giggles] The one where I find authenticity by doing hands-on research with the NYPD.

Castle: How do you know you're in love?
Beckett: All the songs make sense.

Castle: I never pegged you for a magic fan. You know any good tricks?
Beckett: I do this one thing... with ice cubes.

Castle: I wonder how Zalman did it. Must've whipped something from Jerome's pocket with a receipt for his weekend of sin.
Beckett: Like this? (Holds up Castle's phone.)
Castle: (Gasps.) You had your hand in my pocket and I didn't even feel it? Do it again.

Castle: Ladies, I am not a stripper. Though I can understand how you'd make that mistake.

Castle: Oh, it's really not complicated. You were raised by a single mother. She was blonde, she was beautiful, but she never wanted you. When you were, what, twelve? She died, suddenly. Let's say drug overdose. You went foster care, the bad kind. So much hate. So much hate towards your mother for abandoning you that you kill these women to get back at her. But you leave them looking peaceful because as much as you hated your mother, you loved your mother. Am I getting warm?
Jerry: You're drawn to death. You like to be around it, because it thrills you. Now, where does that come from? Your own suppressed impulses? [Leans forward] How close to death do you want to get, huh?

Castle: Oh, let me guess, you don't believe in fate. Soulmates?
Beckett: No.
Castle: Unicorns, fairies, double rainbows? Didn't you ever think your dolls used to get up at night and play with your toys?
Beckett: Sorry.
Castle: Mmm�� Let me guess. You were one of those annoying 6 year olds who stopped believing in Santa Claus because you figured out he couldn't travel faster than the speed of light.
Beckett: I was 3, and we didn't have a chimney.

Castle: So, I wear boxers. What do you wear? Thong? Cheekies? I told you mine! Bloomers? Granny panties? [Eyes opening wide] Commando?

Castle: Tell me you've arrested Gates
Beckett: Not even close. I mean, I don't know how, Castle, but he killed Kim Foster and he's gonna do it again.
Castle: There's been no developments? Usually you call me with news. [He stops in realization, his eyes grow wide. Beckett cringes, knowing she's been caught] You called to seek my council!
Beckett: [Very slightly sheepish] I wouldn't say it exactly like that...
Castle: No, no, no! You're hoping I had some wild theory. Some sort of penetrating insight that would lead us to a breakthrough.
Beckett: Well... do you?
Castle: [Stops, as if trying very hard to come up with something. Exhales exasperatedly] Gah! I got nothing.

Castle: Thank you.
Beckett: Always.
Season 4

Castle: This place looks like my first apartment. We used to have cockroach races. I wonder if that's how Kafka got the idea?

Castle: Wonder what's up with Alexis. She seems a little out of it.
Martha: Isn't it obvious?
Castle: What?
Martha: Oh, she's in love.
Castle: Alexis?
Martha: Oh, come on, darling. In case you haven't noticed, she's not a little girl anymore.
Castle: Thank you, mother. I think if Alexis were in love she would've told me.
Martha: Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. The fact that she hasn't told you is how we know it's real.
Castle: [Warningly] Mother.
Martha: Okay. And the fact that she mentioned it to me last night.
Castle: Who is he? Where did she meet him?
Martha: Oh, I don't know. She wouldn't say. No, diva's honour. She didn't tell me anything. She didn't even tell me his name.
Castle: [Sulkily] Can't believe she told you and not me. I'm supposed to be her go-to guy.
Martha: Oh, darling, of course you are. It's just, you know, it's first love. It's magical, ethereal. It defies logic.
[Castle's phone rings. He ignores it, still sulking]
Martha: Richard, your phone.
Castle: [He shrugs] Mmm.
Martha: [Picks it up] Ah, Beckett. Maybe it's a nice murder, darling. Brighten your day.
[Castle starts to smile]
Martha: Good boy.
Castle: [Answers] Castle.

Castle: You look good.
Beckett: You look good too... for murder!