Lost quotes

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Locke: Jacob told me what we had to do. You don't get to make all the decisions--
Ben: He told you what to do, but he didn't tell you how because he wants me to suffer the consequences.
Locke: What consequences?
Ben: Whoever moves the island can never come back. So I'd like you to get on the elevator, John, and go back up. Richard and my people will be waiting 2 miles east of the Orchid.
Locke: Waiting for me?
Ben: Ready, willing and able to share what they know. And then they will follow your every word. Good-bye, John. I'm sorry I made your life so miserable. [Ben shakes Locke's hand for the last time and leaves]
Locke: What do I tell 'em to do?
Ben: You'll find your way, John. You always do.

Locke: Let's go.
Sawyer: Why are you going East? Thought you said the Barracks were due South.
Locke: Because, James, we have to make a little detour first.
Sawyer: Detour to what?
Locke: There's a cabin I have to go to.
Hurley: I think the cabin was back that way.
Locke: What did you say Hugo?
Hurley: I er, thought you were talking about the airplane cabin.
(Locke stares at Hurley. So does Ben)

Locke: The bullet went in one side, came out the other. I'd probably be dead if I still had a kidney there. Anything else?

Locke: You ever wonder what happened to the Dharma Initiative, Hugo? There must have been at least a hundred of 'em living on this island. Manning the stations, building those homes, making all that ranch dressing that you like. And then, one day, they're all gone, they just disappear. You wanna know where we're going? [Walks over to the pit that contains the bodies of the Dharma Initiative] We're going to see them.
Hurley: What happened to them?
Locke: [Jerks his head at Ben] He did.

Martin Keamy: Mr. Linus, these are my terms. You're gonna step out the front door, put your hands above your head, and you're gonna walk straight to me. Once I have you in my custody, I promise that no one else in that house will be harmed.
Ben: You and I both know that once you have me there's nothing to stop you from killing everybody else on this island.
Martin Keamy: What kind of guy do you think I am?
Ben: Martin Christopher Keamy, former First Sergeant, United States Marine Corps. Served with distinction from 1996 to 2001, but since then you've worked with a number of mercenary organizations, specifically in Uganda. So I know exactly what kind of man you are, Mr. Keamy, and we can dispense with the formalities.

Sawyer: (to Ben): You ready to give us the name, Gizmo?
Locke: He's not going to tell you who his spy is on their boat, James.
Sawyer: Yeah, why not?
Locke: Because that's the only thing keeping him alive.
Sawyer: Well here's an idea: why don't we take a gun, point it to his big toe and send that little piggy to the market.[Ben looks slightly amused.]
Sawyer: (continues) And if he still doesn't want to tell us, move on to the roast beef. Why don't we do that?
Locke: Because then we'd have to carry him.

Sawyer: What the hell do you mean you saw Walt? In a dream?
Locke: No dream, it was Walt. Only, taller.
Sawyer: Taller? What like a giant? OK, what exactly did Walt tell you?
Locke: He said I had work to do. That I had to stop this woman, Naomi, from bringing the rest of her people here.
Sawyer: What you didn't ask any follow-up questions?
Locke: Ben had shot me and left me for dead, Walt saved my life, so I pretty much took him at his word.
Sawyer: He shot you? Yet here you are fit as a fiddle tromping through the jungle.
(Locke shows Sawyer his wound)

Sawyer: Why are we wasting our time going to some shack anyway?
Locke: Because we're supposed to.
Sawyer: Right. Like you were supposed to throw a knife into that Naomi chick's back.
Locke: Ahuh.
Sawyer: You mind telling us who you're getting your orders from, Colonel Kurtz?
Locke: I got em from Walt.

Sayid: Naomi, were you close to her?
Miles: Nope. Met her on the boat.
Sayid: You don't seem particularly affected by her death.
Miles: Sure I'm affected. She was hot and I dug her accent.
Kate: Nice.
Sayid: And this woman, Charlotte. You don't really care about her, do you?
Miles: Define care.
Sayid: So much for camaraderie.
Miles: Yeah, gee, who's the one going after one of their crash buddies with guns? Actually, I do care about Locke. Maybe you can tell me how he managed to split your happy little family in half.
Sayid: (glances at Kate) There was a fundamental debate as to whether your people were coming to rescue us... or kill us.
Miles: And which side did you land on?
Sayid: I let you know when I decide.

[Ben has just broken into Charles Widmore's penthouse]
Charles Widmore: Why are you here?
Ben: I'm here, Charles, because you murdered my daughter.
Charles Widmore: Don't stand there looking at me with those horrible eyes of yours, and lay the blame for the death of that poor girl on me, when we both know very well I didn't murder her at all, Benjamin. You did.
Ben: No, that's not true.
Charles Widmore: Yes, Benjamin, it is. You creep into my bedroom in the dead of night, like a rat, and have the audacity to pretend that you're the victim? I know who you are, boy, what you are. I know that everything you have you took from me. [pauses] So. Once again I ask you, why are you here?
Ben: I'm here, Charles, to tell you that I'm going to kill your daughter. Penelope, is it? And once she's gone, once she's dead, then you'll understand how I feel, and you'll wish you hadn't changed the rules.
Charles Widmore: You'll never find her. [Ben turns around and begins to walk away] That island's mine, Benjamin. It always was. It will be again.
Ben: [Turns around] But you'll never find it.
Charles Widmore: Then I suppose the hunt is on for both of us.
Ben: I suppose it is. Sleep tight, Charles.

[Ben tries to dissuade Keamy from killing Alex]
Ben: She's not my daughter. I stole her as a baby from an insane woman. She's a pawn, nothing more. She means nothing to me. (pauses) I'm not coming out of his house. So if you want to kill her, go ahead and...
[Keamy shoots Alex]

[Hurley opens the box Ben hands to him and finds saltine crackers inside. He eats one.]
Ben: You know those are 15 years old?

[Jack batters in one of Aaron's toy]
Jack: Son of a bitch..

[Jack, Kate, Sun, Hurley, Sayid, and Aaron are about to arrive in Honolulu and be questioned by the press]
Jack: If we get any questions we don't wanna answer, or that we can't answer, let's just keep our mouths shut. [Everyone stares at him without saying anything] It's okay, they'll think that we're in shock.
Sun: We are in shock, Jack.
Jack: Well, then this should be easy.

[Just after Alex was killed while Ben watched]
Ben: He changed the rules.