Castle quotes

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Castle: [After Tasering a running suspect] See, I'm helping.
Jordan: Yeah, I'll buy you an ice cream later.

Castle: [Cuts himself while trying to cut a tomato] What's the difference between curse and clumsy?
Alexis: I'll get a bandaid.
Castle: Get two.

Castle: [Drops his watch into liquid nitrogen] Hey, I froze time!

Castle: [on CIA Agent Gray] This man is a machine. I've interviewed serial killers, hitmen. Agent Gray?
Beckett: Mm-hmm?
Castle: By far, the most dangerous man I've ever met. [looks around and whispers] He once killed a North Korean agent with a melonballer.
Agent Gray: [suddenly appearing behind them] It was an ice cream scoop, Castle. And that information was supposed to remain private.
Castle: Sorry.

Castle: [to Alexis] If any of those senior boys bother you... father won't be quite himself. [activates pumpkin drill, laughs maniacally, coughs]

Castle: Ask me why I'm here.
Beckett: You know, I ask myself that question every day.

Castle: Do you believe that people get what they deserve?
Beckett: Well, if they do then I must have done something pretty terrible to be punished with you.
Castle: Funny.

Castle: I'm here to protect you.
Beckett: What, with your vast arsenal of rapier wit?

Castle: It's a common mistake, but it's not ironic that Dr. Cosway's not here for you to lean on. It's just simply tragic. It would be ironic if her death made you feel better.

Castle: It's a fact of life. People we love leave us. Unless you chain them to a radiator, which for some reason is illegal.

Castle: Maybe our killer has a sweet tooth.
Beckett: Given the state of undress I would say it's more likely a sexual fetish.
Lanie: I can do the chocolate. I will even do the whipped cream bikini, but caramel? I prefer slippery to sticky.
Castle: [To Ryan] Does she know we can hear her?

Castle: Nikki will burn. I can see the poetry in that. [Beckett looks at him] The terrible, homicidal poetry.

Castle: Quick, who do you want to play you in the Nikki Heat movie?
Lanie: [As if it's the most obvious answer in the world] Halle Berry.
Castle: See? Some people are just great at that game! You know who we could get for you? Angelina? No. Kate Beckett�� Kate Beckinsale. We'll call you K-Becks!

Castle: She may have built up a wall between us, but I am going to build a door in that wall. Or put up a ladder. [thinking] Or dig a hole.

Castle: Then we can take over the world! [Laughs evilly]
Alexis: Not helpful.
Castle: But evil!