Boston Legal quotes

442 total quotes

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Atty Morrison: Nevertheless, the court awarded Mr Bridge joint custody of Barry.
Judge Willard Reese: The cat's name is Barry Manilow?

Bev: And why did you screw him?
Shirley: I lost a bet.

Bev: Denny? I love you. But, I love Hawaii more.
Denny: Well, you'll be the one that got away from Denny Crane. That makes you a large fish in a very small pond.

Beverly: Nice night.
[Denny turns and looks at her]
Denny: Suddenly it is.

Brad: [to Denise] So let me ask you this: in Italian does the word 'vagina' mean something else?

Brad: Do you know your briefcase is smoking?
Alan: This is the season, Brad. Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble and so forth.
Brad: This is a law firm.
Alan: Thank you for that.

Brad: Don't you two have anything else to do?
Garrett: We're discussing a case, sir.
Brad: It's not a case. It's an abuse of the judicial process.
Garrett: Yes, we're discussing that.

Brad: I was wondering if I could join you and Denny on the balcony sometime. Just trying to diversify my life with some male bonding and I was know.
Alan: Brad, any gathering of three or more men always seems like a team to me, and I've never been much of a team player, so if you're going to show count me out. [pauses] Was there something specific you'd like to talk about?
Brad: Are you a good kisser?

Brad: Okay. We're required to turn this over to Ms. Beller and, per the rules of discovery, we'll provide it with the other one hundred thousand pages of documents that pertain to their production request.
Chris Mott: So you're going to bury it.
Brad: No, that would be unethical. We'll simply comply�� fully.

Brad: Shock and awe, boys, shock and awe.

Brad: You need to stand up and deliver this closing.
Alan: Will the clown be there?

Cassie: [to Garrett] I screw. I just don't date.

Cassie: I don't want to have sex with you anymore. [pauses] So there we are.
Garrett: There we are.

Catherine: [to Alan] Thank you. Baretta said that to his attorney. It brought him luck.

Catherine: [to Bernie] What are ya going to do? Whack me on the head?