Oz quotes

189 total quotes

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Groves: (trying to repeat an Islamic greeting)A-salami-I-like-'em.

Groves: I saw 'em carry him out. Looked like a roasted, broiled chicken. His flesh was all brown and crispy. He looked good enough to eat.

Groves: Wait, Father, maybe I'm a convert.
Mukada: You can't become a Catholic just to get out of the hole. Come on.
Groves: No, no, wait. I've been reading a lot since I got here about different faiths and yours is pretty nifty.
Mukada: Catholicism is nifty?
Groves: You have that whole mystical transabstentiation bit going.
Mukada: That's right. The Eucharist becomes the body of Christ.
Groves: So you're actually eating his flesh and drinking his blood.
Mukada: That's right.
Groves: Now how can I not get behind a religion like that?

Guerra: Marriage ain't marriage without sex.

Hill: 'At least you got your health.' Don't you hate that? You lose your job, you lose your wife, YOU'RE IN PRISON, and some punk ass do gooder says 'At least you got your health' like that's supposed to make you FEEL better! So what if I'm broke? So what if some dealer wants to cap my ass; at least I ain't got a tumor. I swear, the next person to say ALYGYH to me, I'ma make sure they don't have THEIR health much longer.

Hill: 'Know thyself.' That's what Socrates said, or Aristotle, or one of those dead white men. To know one's self; that may be the hardest thing any of us will ever do.

Hill: A man stands in a cemetery, reading a letter he wrote forgiving his long dead father. The mother of a girl killed by a drunk driver is racked by fantasies of retaliation. Your boyfriend begs you for one more chance. You say to the mirror you're done hating yourself. But you know you're not. Maybe instead of forgive and forget, it should be forgive and remember. Remember that you might have to wake up tomorrow and forgive all over again. And again,and again, the way your heart keeps beating like a drum. Forgive. I can't. You can. Forgive. Forgive. I can't. You can. Forgive.

Hill: And love? Well, if sex is sweet and death is bitter, love is both. Love will always and forever break your heart.

Hill: Back in the old Greek times there lived a man named Orpheus. Loved his wife, took it easy on the Ouzo, played a mean guitar. Upstanding guy. So what the almighty gods do? They fucked with him. Made his life Hades. Why? 'Cause that's what those in power do to those of us with none

Hill: Clark Kent is the secret identity of Superman. I don't understand why Superman even needed a secret identity. I mean, if I'm invulnerable, all the chicks want me, why do I spend my time disguised as a four-eyed loser? The truth is: Superman's schizophrenic. His super-id is fucking with his super-ego. The man's conflicted, no doubt about it.
(Napa enters his cell to find Nat in an elegant evening gown)

Hill: Clememcy. Thats a fancy word for mercy. The Governor can commute a death sentence. He has the power to pick up the phone and just say No. But to me, the only time the Governor shows clemency is when he don't make that call. Life in prison without parole is a shitload worse than death. Death is parole. Death is mercy

Hill: Everybody wants to escape from Oz. But the truth is, there is no escape. Let's say you manage to sneak out. Then you gotta run and keep running. A life of running away ain't no life at all. Better to deal with where you live. The real measure of a man is not where he lives, but how; how he makes the best of it.
Season Three

Hill: Evil is the only thing that has survived intact these past thousand years.

Hill: Families! Our families determine who we are, determine what we're not. How we relate to other people is based on the way we relate to the members of our families. No wonder the world's so fucked up.

Hill: Forget about having too much garbage, too many bottles, cans, watermelon rinds, disposable baby diapers and such. What's really terrifying in terms of the long term health of the planet is toxic waste. Toxic waste, you can't put two worse words together except maybe (pause) nuclear war.