Quantum Leap quotes

38 total quotes

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Al: Bingo bango bongo!
Season 5

Al: Don't do anything I wouldn't do. And if you do, take pictures.

Al: It's much worse than death... in two days, she goes home... she spends the rest of her life alone... without love... in Cleveland.

Al: Oh yeah. Oh yeah. 'Oops! It was an accident! I accidentally killed everybody. Haw haw. Now I'm stuck with this secret load of secret treasure. Oh, I'm going to have to give up my measley, poor-paying professorship and go somewhere and live a life of ease and luxury somewhere else. Ha ha.' Give her an Oscar and let's get the hell outta here.

Al: Tea? Not coffee?
Sam: I'm making some tea. Tea. T-E-A tea. Tea, tea, tea. I don't like coffee, I like tea....Does drinking tea make me any less of a man than somebody who drinks coffee? I mean, is every tea-drinker in the entire history of the world gay to you? Is that it? What about the Boston Tea Party? Was that like some kind of a gay boat festival or something?

Clifford Whiteside: We're to be married in two days! What are my mother and father going to say?
Sam: Cancel the church, the reception, the cake...

Jannie Eisenberg: I'll tell you what. Why don't you lie down in the parking lot and I'll accidentally back over you with my car. Probably we can get a whole week out of that.

Kelly: Even with the cafe I'm rationed a half a pound of sugar a week. And Mike tries to put all of it into in his cup.
Mike: Are you forgetting who slips you an extra pound of butter every now and then?
Kelly: I didn't know I was swappin' sugar for it.
Sam: Well, if a pound of butter is all it takes, I got me a dairy farm that I...
Al: [to Sam] Stop that!!

Sam: Dammit Ziggy! Tell me something I don't know!
Ziggy: Tina's having an affair with Gushie.
Sam: Something to help Al.

Sam: I was trying to save your life.
Angela: By running me down and beating me up?
Sam: No, no. I thought...I thought that your heart had stopped. I was just trying to get it started again, that's all.
Angela: Oh, why don't you back over me a couple more times?
Sam: You shouldn't move.
Angela: You shouldn't drive.

Sam: Revenge is mine, thus sayeth the hologram.

Sam: That's if I'm a human. I'm not a human -- I'm a chimp. We don't have rules for chimps, do we?

Sam: What do you got on Al?
Ziggy: He is 175.26 cm tall, weighs 70.91--
Sam: Ziggy!
Ziggy: Yes, Doctor?
Sam: Give me what I want, baby.
Ziggy: Oooh. If you weren't my father...

[Sam and Al have traded places -- Al as the leaper, Sam as the hologram from the lab.]
Al: Do you have any Sweet 'n Low? Or Equal?
Kelly: Sweet 'n low? Equal?
Sam: No, no, no, no, no. They didn't have any artificial sweetner in 1945. Okay?
[Sam looks at Kelly.]
Sam: But boy, did they have women with big kazooms!