[Jerome "Jerry" Whittaker sees Barney try to dismantle a basketball hoop over his driveway]
Jerry: Barney, what is going on?
Barney: This is mine.
Jerry: I don't understand.
Barney: JJ gets a childhood, a dad, a real family, and a basketball hoop? No, no, I at least get the hoop, I'm taking it with me.
Jerry: Please, just come down and talk to me.
Barney: Why? Why should I? You're lame, okay? You're just some lame, suburban dad.
Jerry: Why does that make you so mad?
Barney: Because if you were going to be some [agitated] lame, suburban dad, why couldn't you have been that for me!?!?
Jerry: Look, Barney, I know I screwed up.
Barney: Oh, "screwed up" doesn't even begin to describe what I've been through-
Jerry: I know, I know, I KNOW! I want to fix this and I don't know how! Please, tell me what I can do! I'll do anything! [Barney continues trying to remove the hoop, Jerry briefly goes back inside and returns with a tool box] You'll never get it down like that. [gives screwdriver to Barney, who hits hoop with it like a hammer] No, Barney, Barney! Put the pointy end into the grooves. That's it, now turn it. Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey. [Barney begins unscrewing] I have no good excuse, Barney. It took me years before I was even able to look myself in the mirror for the way I let you down. It took courage to send me that letter. More courage than I've ever had. I owe you a lifetime of apologies, and I, I just... I have no idea where to begin.

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