Brennan: Did your interest in forensics stem from a plan to murder your stepfather?
Finn Abernathy: Yes, ma'am, it did.
Brennan: Dr. Soroyan mentioned that he was physically abusive to both you and your mother.
Finn: He had a temper. Probably why I behaved like I did. I could never find a way to make the mad go away.
Brennan: So did you murder your stepfather, Mr. Abernathy?
Finn: No, ma'am. I did not.
Brennan: What stopped you?
Finn: I read a paper you wrote: postmortem dismemberment analysis. I knew no matter how careful I was I'd never get away with killing him. At least not with ya'll around.
Brennan: I like to think that's true.
Finn: I took it as a sign from above to keep me on the straight and narrow. I haven't so much as talk in church since.
Brennan: What happened to your stepfather?
Finn: Last time I saw him I told him he was a dead man if he ever touched my mama again. I guess the son of a bitch didn't know I was bluffing.
Brennan: I can imagine how it must feel to know people are thinking that you did something like that.
Finn: I appreciate that.
Brennan: [affects southern drawl] You must never walk out again, you hear? There ain't gonna be no more second chances. [smiles at Mr. Abernathy] I love John Wayne movies.

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