Ty Lee: Thank goodness you're here, Azula. These boys won't leave me alone. I think they all just like me too much!
Azula: Oh come on, Ty Lee, you can't be that stupid.
Ty Lee: What do you mean?
Azula: You make it too easy for them, you're a tease. It's not like they actually care who you are.
(Ty Lee starts crying)
Azula: Okay, okay, I'm sorry. It's just that I'm a little (pauses and whispers) jealous.
Ty Lee: Of me? But you're the smartest, prettiest girl in the whole world!
Azula: Well, you're right about those things, but every time I try to talk to boys, they act like I'm going to do something horrible to them...
Ty Lee: But you probably would do something horrible to them. Okay, look. If you want a boy to like you, just look at him, and smile a lot, and laugh at everything he says, even if it's not funny.
Azula: Well, that sounds really shallow and stupid... Let's try it!
Ty Lee: Right. [puts on a boyish voice] Hey there, sweet sugar-cakes. How ya likin' this party?
[Azula does a loud and exaggerated laugh, distracting everybody]
(Azula notices a volleyball game)

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