Eric: [running his hand down her arm, waking her as she turns to him] Finish your sentence.
Sookie: What was I saying?
Eric: You were telling me why you'd be a terrible vampire and I was disagreeing.
Sookie: Well, I don't feel right without a tan. [Eric laughs] It's true, and I'd rather be alive than undead. And then y'all are always killin'.
Eric: You've killed a man.
Sookie: That was for self defense, not for lunch.
Eric: Oh, you'd adapt. Like we all do. Trade the sun for the moon and stars.
Sookie: Uh uh. Not me. I want 'em all.
Eric: [smiling] Ooh, greedy.
Sookie: Yeah, I am.
Eric: I love it. [kissing her hand] You have the right temperament for a vampire.
Sookie: Why? I'm high maintenance, blood thirsty, and old as dirt?
Eric: Ahh, blood thirsty, yeah.
Sookie: I am not.
Eric: Everybody thinks you're a darling, don't they?
Sookie: I am a darling.
Eric: Yeah, but you're ruthless when it comes to the people you love. You'd do anything for them. [kissing her] Your brother, your friends... me.
Lorena: [from the shadows] Bill.
Sookie: [pulling away] Bill? Where's Bill?
Lorena: [from the shadows] What do you care? You've already abandoned him.
Sookie: I have not. I love Bill.
Eric: [pulling her back] I used to think you had no sense of humor.
Sookie: I used to think you were made of cold, hard stone and empty inside.
Eric: And now?
Sookie: You're a big faker. You're deep. You feel. There's love in you.
Eric: Only for Sookie. [kissing her]
Lorena: [to Sookie] You don't want Bill. He means nothing to you.
Sookie: No.
Eric: [pulling her to him] ... This is the beginning. [kissing her passionately]

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