The X-Files quotes

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Mulder: Then what can I say? How can I disprove lies that are stamped with an official seal?
Section Chief McGrath: That will be all, Mr Mulder?
Mulder: You can deny all the things I've seen, all the things I've discovered, but not for much longer because too many others know what's happening out there. And no one, no government agency, has jurisdiction over the truth.

Mulder: Two men died in that crash room, Scully. One man came back. The question is... which one?

Mulder: Why is it still so hard for you to believe, even when all the evidence suggests extraordinary phenomena?
Scully: Because sometimes ...
Mulder: What?
Scully: ... looking for extreme possibilities makes you blind to the probable explanation right in front of you.

Mulder: You got a brother, don't you, Scully?
Scully: Yeah, I've got an older one and a younger one.
Mulder: Well, have you ever thought about calling one of them all day long and then all of a sudden the phone rings and it's one of them calling you?
Scully: Does this pitch somehow end with a way for me to lower my long distance charges?

Mulder: You never wanted to be an astronaut when you were a kid, Scully?
Scully: Guess I missed that phase.

Mulder: You really believe that story?
Scully: That story happens to be highly classified.
Mulder: It's a highly classified lie.

Mulder: [taking his shirt off] Before anyone passes judgment, may I remind you - we are in the arctic.

Mulder: Great.
Scully: What?
Mulder: You shouldn't have told them. They have no jurisdiction.
Scully: Mulder... They're NSA. They think the boy may be a threat to national security.
Mulder: Come on. How could an eight year old boy, who can barely multiply, be a threat to national security? And people call me paranoid.

Mulder: Hey, that's a nice tattoo, what is that?
Bartender: What's it look like?
Mulder: Flying saucer. You don't really believe in that stuff, do ya?
Bartender: I take it you don't.
Mulder: No, I think it's all just a bunch of crazy people howling at the moon.

Mulder: I know I should be afraid, but I'm not.
Dr. Werber: Do you know why?
Mulder: Because of the voice... The voice in my head.
Dr. Werber: What's it telling you?
Mulder: Not to be afraid. It's telling me that no harm will come to her and that one day she'll return.
Dr. Werber: Do you believe the voice?
Mulder: I want to believe.

Mulder: I tied up an air phone for three hours. I don't speak Japanese, but I think some businessman told me to stick a piece of sushi where the sun don't shine.

Mulder: It was five hours of Boggs channeling. After three hours i asked him to summon up the soul of Jimi Hendrix and requested 'All Along the Watchtower'. You know, the guy's been dead for 20 years but he hasn't lost his touch.

Mulder: It's still there, Scully, two hundred thousand years down in the ice.
Scully: Leave it there.

Mulder: So, what did you make of Uncle Fester, down the block?

Mulder: Tell me I'm crazy.
Scully: Mulder... you're crazy.