The Mentalist quotes

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Lisbon: So that thing you said before you shot me... What did you mean?
Jane: ...what did I say? I was kinda hyped up.
Season 5

Lisbon: So what did you do? Honestly.
Jane: He had a gun.
Lisbon: No. I mean how did you raise the bail money.
Jane: Oh. That. Murder for hire. Killed a snitch. Stabbed him in the kidneys.
Lisbon: You did not.
Jane: I did not. I won it at a card game, but I had you for a moment.

Lisbon: So, what now?
Jane: Now? Well, tea would hit the spot.
Lisbon: No. I mean what now. What you've done, what you've set out to do. You got your vengeance. Do you feel different? Feel better?
Jane: No. I feel guilty.
Lisbon: Guilty? Why?
Jane: For deceiving the jury. I mean, I had no choice. Going to prison for murder would have been a victory for Red John.
Lisbon: What do you mean? Red John's dead.
Jane: Timothy Carter's dead. He was an evil man, but he wasn't Red John. Red John is still alive. Watch the road.

Lisbon: So, why didn't you let me in on your brilliant plan?
Jane: Oh, you were very busy with Greg.
Lisbon: I am never too busy to solve a murder.
Jane: Well, you seemed to be very busy with Greg.

Lisbon: Well, Glenda's prints don't match any of the prints at the crime scene, and I did background checks on the drag queens. None of them stand out.
Jane: Don't let them hear you say that.

Lisbon: What did you do?
Jane: Nothing.
Lisbon: Eleven years in Catholic school and I never got sent to the principal's office once.
Jane: Well, that's because you're a boring, goody two shoes.
Lisbon: I didn't say I never did anything bad, I just never got caught.
Jane: [smiles] Touché.

Lisbon: You're losing your touch. You didn't know it was her.
Jane: Don't be ridiculous. The trick worked exactly as I intended. It didn't matter which one I thought it was. That's how a good trick works.
Lisbon: [smiles] You would say that, wouldn't you?

Lorelai: And you'll need to bring him a gift. To show your respect for him.
Jane: What kind of gift?
Lorelai: Teresa Lisbon's dead body would be the perfect thing.

Lorelai: I do what Red John tells me to do.
Jane: What?
Lorelai: Your freedom, our night together. That was a gift from him. He can harm me if you'd like.
Jane: No, I don't wanna hurt you. I've given up, he knows that. What does he want from me?
Lorelai: He doesn't want anything from you. After all these years, he's coming to see you as an old comrade rather than an enemy. He hopes you'll come to feel the same way.
Jane: A comrade.
Lorelai: Patrick, look at yourself. You need a new life. He can give that to you.
Jane: You have to leave.
Lorelai: He's offering the hand of friendship, if you refuse him, he'll be upset. Anyone would-
Jane: Get out.
Lorelai: You know where to find me.

Rigsby: Listen, about before at the office with Sarah. I just --
Van Pelt: Oh, yeah. Congratulations. She seems nice.
Rigsby: Yeah. I just don't want it to be awkward between --
Van Pelt: [laughs] With me? That's the least of your problems.
Rigsby: What does that mean?
Van Pelt: Well, she's a public defender. I mean, good luck, but be careful.

Rigsby: Okay, who has Chinese food for breakfast?
Sarah Harrigan: Chinese people and me. Okay, interrogation time. Agent Rigsby, do you consider yourself an expert on motorcycle gangs?
Rigsby: Yes.
Sarah: No, don't say yes. Say yes. You want to project confidence and the jury's going to believe you.
Rigsby: Yes, ma'am. [leans in and gives Sarah a kiss]
Sarah: Stop trying to distract me, and does this expertise, in fact, come from years of close contact with a criminal element in your own family?
Rigsby: Hey.
Sarah: Don't say hey, just answer the question.
Rigsby: No, it doesn't.
Sarah: Isn't it true your father, Steven Rigsby, was a member of the Iron Gods motorcycle gang and a convicted felon?
Rigsby: Yes.
Sarah: So wouldn't it be fair to say that everything you learned you know from your father the felon? Babe, I know it's touchy, but if you wait too long to answer --
Rigsby: Okay. That's enough. Thanks for your help. Gotta get to court.
Sarah: Wayne.
Rigsby: Seriously, that was a big help. Thank you. [walks away]

Stiles: [after having watched the confession of a murderer] Thank you for letting me watch this.
Van Pelt: No problem. Visualizing my anger works really well. I'm just returning the favor.
Stiles: There's so much more that I could teach you.
Van Pelt: Really?
Stiles: To be free of doubt, anger, fear. Let me show you the world as you've never seen it. Let me show you you as you've never seen yourself.
Van Pelt: Great sales pitch, but I'm sort of over bad boys these days. [kisses his cheek] Thanks anyway. [walks away]

Van Pelt: [having sustained a head wound, is talking to a figment of her imagination] Did you love me?
O'Laughlin: Of course I loved you.
Van Pelt: Then why did you try to kill me?
O'Laughlin: I had to make a choice between you and Red John. We all have to make hard choices, Grace, but that doesn't make me evil.
Van Pelt: [scoffs] It kind of does.
O'Laughlin: Grace.
Van Pelt: I was just too stupid to see it.
O'Laughlin: Oh, no. You saw it.
Van Pelt: No, I didn't.
O'Laughlin: Not all of it, but you knew there was something. Something a little dangerous under the nice-guy stuff. You kind of liked it. You can't open your eyes a little bit, Grace. You've got to open them all the way to see the truth of things.
Van Pelt: What are you talking about? Why are you doing this to me?
O'Laughlin: How should I know? I'm just a figment of your imagination.

Van Pelt: Hey, how did you know Billy was having an affair with the teacher?
Jane: They both had leaves on them from their make-out spot in the woods.
Van Pelt: And?
Jane: Plus, I could tell she liked him. She was meaner to him than the other kids. You know, like Lisbon is to me.
Lisbon: Shut up!
Jane: See?

Van Pelt: Jane, I'm sorry to ask this, but do you ever talk to your wife?
Jane: Yes, sometimes.
Van Pelt: Do you ever see her?
Jane: No. Never.
Van Pelt: If you did see her, would you think you were crazy?
Jane: Craig came to see you, didn't he?
Van Pelt: Yes.
Jane: What did he want?
Van Pelt: I don't know. This will sound really weird, but he kind of saved my life.
Jane: Figuratively speaking, I hope.
Van Pelt: Yes. I mean, he wasn't really there, but --
Jane: Now you can't decide what to do with the necklace he gave you because it reminds you of the past. Maybe try to forget it or you could learn to live with it.