7th Heaven quotes

86 total quotes

Mary: How about this dress?
Lucy: Sure. Whatever. You'll look great.
Mary: Or maybe I could just shave my head?
Lucy: Sure. Whatever. You'll look great

Mary: I knew the choices I was making was wrong and I did it anyway... and I am sorry. I am sorry that I did it, and I am sorry for the way I've been acting, and I am sorry for everything that everyone has gone through because of me. And it kills me to know that sorry doesn't make a difference, and that it doesn't undo what I did, and it doesn't make my family like me again.
Eric: Hold on...
Mary: Look I know you love me. But how could you like me? I don't even like myself, and I don't know what to do to make things better.

Mary: Okay let's look at the facts as we know them. Fact: He said he was going to the library.
Lucy: Fact: He never goes to the library.
Mary: Fact: He stayed out all night long
Lucy: Fact: He was probably with a girl.
Mary: Okay...that's not a fact but it's a safe guess let's just assume. Assumption: He spent the night with the girl.
Lucy: Assumption: He made out with her all night long.
Mary: Fact: You are way too young for me to be playing this game with you now go get ready for school.

Mary: This can't happen. This is my senior year and I have a scholarship to play basketball. I mean, somebody has to do something.
Simon: Why did he lock you guys out?
Matt: Mom had two babies, Dad just had a heart attack, and now this? They have enough going on without having to worry about without the stuff. You're supposed to be the oldest. How can Mom and Dad trust that you can keep an eye on everyone else when you can't keep an eye on yourself?
Mary: Oh, boy. One more lecture on how it is to be the oldest. How many times do I have to hear this stuff from you?
Matt: Until you get it right.
Mary: Go away! And take your lemony-scented self with you.

Mary: Um, I just got off the phone with Mr. Wolf. Um, Mr. Wolf from the group that gave me the scholarship. Apparently, word of what happened has gotten around, and in light of everything that's gone on, including me recent subpar academic performance, Mr. Wolf said the committee felt there were better candidates out there for the limited funds that they have to donate, for college next year. I lost my scholarship.

Mary: What if I get expelled?
Eric: Well, we'll just have to wait and see what happens, and then deal with it.
Mary: I know I blew it, but up until now, I've been a pretty good kid. Now it's gone. It's all gone. Who knew that one mistake could ruin your whole life?
Annie: Your dad and I.....when you're an adult, you know that one mistake can ruin your life. Your life's not ruined. It's going to be radically different, but only you can decide if that's going to be a good different or bad different.

Mary: You know Mom? Sometimes when I'm really mad at Daddy...too mad to see him or talk to him...he gets right in my face and makes me tell him what's wrong! It drives me nuts but I feel better after.
Annie: Mary, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't act so mature while I'm trying desperately to feel sorry for myself.

Matt: (about Simon and Ruthie) The munchkins are still conked.
Annie: Oh good, the poor things must be exhausted!
Lucy: So am I!
Mary: Me too. I feel like I could sleep for a week!
Eric: I think it's been a rough time for us all.
Grandpa Charles: (cheerfully) Don't worry, it's all gonna be okay!
Eric: Wouldn't this work better if I were consoling you?

Matt: (to cop) No Officer I wasn't drinking.
Cop: Well, that's an interesting cologne you're wearing. Step outside.

Matt: (to John) Parents! Can't live with 'em, can't live with out 'em.

Matt: (to Simon and Ruthie) Why is such a terrible question, really. I mean everytime you ask why , a because follows and everytime you say because, another why is asked.

Matt: Great. Even with Mary in the hospital, Dad still finds a way to teach me a lesson.
Simon: Well, you've kind of got to admire him for that.

Matt: I'm a total idiot.
Grandma Jenny: Hey, that's my grandson you're talking about! And he's not an idiot. He's just a 16-year-old kid trying to make his way in the world.
Matt: How long will that take?
Grandma Jenny: Well, if he's anything like his grandmother it may take fifty or sixty years.

Matt: I'm sorry, Dad. I'm a total screw-up.
Eric: (before lovingly embracing his son) Not total.

Matt: Wow! What did you do to make your hair look so blonde and...um...beautiful?
Lucy: I'm trying to figure out if you're lying, and if I think you are, I will be killing Simon tonight!