CSI: Miami quotes

646 total quotes

Eric: So we have a murder weapon and a suspect. What have you got?
Speed: [Holding up a pair of large purple panties.] I have a murder weapon of a different sort.

Eric: The average person's reaction time from sensation, perception through response is 1.5 seconds.
Calleigh: How do you know that?
Delko: Auto insurance studies.

Eric: The car is stolen.
Calleigh: Based on?
Eric: Based on the screwdriver in the ignition.

Eric: Two disposable cameras. More pictures...
Speed: More porn!
Eric: I won't be taking this to one-hour photo!

Hagen: [About Horatio] I'm just saying, it's a hell of a lonely road he's walking.
Calleigh: Well, that's why I'm walking it with him.

Hagen: Will you stay with Speedle tonight? Or Delko?
Calleigh: Actually, I'm gonna stay here.
Hagen: Then I'm gonna stay with you.
Calleigh: OK. So long as we're clear you're doing it for you and not for me.
Hagen: Crystal-clear.

Hagen: You know Hank Kerner, our fugitive.
Calleigh: Yeah. We've been through two hung juries together, it's not like we're picking out china.

Hamilton: You said our entire genetic make-up is in one cell... how do we escape that?
Horatio: Your family? You stop procreating.

Hank Kerner: This ain't over, bitch. I'll be seeing you.
Calleigh: Well, you know what the thing is, Hank, it doesn't really matter if you do, because even if you get rid of me, someone will step in my place, and if you silence me, the evidence has its own voice and it keeps saying over and over, "you." You and your bullets. You know what, and by the way, where you're going, I think you're going to be the bitch.

Horatio: ...But that's not what brought the plane down.
Eric: No... mmm... actually, the shoe hit the fan. I found a piece of leather in the N°2 engine.
Megan: Let me guess: red suede, $450 a pair, right?

Horatio: [About the polygraph test.] They ask about your girlfriend?
Eric: H, you know I don't have a girlfriend.
Horatio: No girlfriend this week?

Horatio: [To Jeffrey Douglas] Before you go...I wanted to...show you...a photograph. Take a look at that. Do you know who that is? That's your daughter. This is what she would have looked like on her second birthday, had you not killed her and her mother. Know this, my friend. Every year on this child's birthday, I am going to haunt you. I am going to be all over you till I get what I need to put you in jail. Understand? [Douglas stares at Horatio and says nothing] Do you understand what I'm saying?

Horatio: [To the tweakers.] Everybody take their left hand and stick it out, please. Left hand.
Tripp: [To one of the tweakers.] Your other left hand, Scruffy.

Horatio: A present for you, from Alexx.
Calleigh: Nasal mucus. And it isn't even my birthday.

Horatio: Are you going to rebut everything I say?
Diaz: Yes.
Horatio: Excellent.