Ugly Betty quotes

151 total quotes

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Alexis: He asked me to dinner.
Wilhelmina: And you said?
Alexis: No.
Wilhelmina: Alexis, why?
Alexis: Because it's dinner and that means sex. I know that. I used to be a guy.
Wilhelmina: And what's wrong with sex?
Alexis: Well I haven't... it's... I haven't exactly... ever since I... I haven't...
Wilhelmina: Taken the new car out for a test drive?
Alexis: That's one way to put it.
Wilhelmina: Alexis, what are you waiting for? Sooner or later someone is going to have to put the key in the ignition.

Alexis: It's complicated coming back from the dead.
Wilhelmina: Oh, please. Donna Karan does it every three years.

Alexis: Let's put it this way. If my father were drowning, I would pull up a lawn chair and watch.

Amanda [to Marc]: You booking a cruise? You can't afford to book a cruise to the bathroom on the 17th floor.

Amanda Nick left. He said something about cheerleading finals and cocaine.

Amanda: Oh it's about to get nerd-nasty.

Amanda: She's so fabulously douchey.

Amanda: Sure, today I'm the eye candy, but tomorrow I'll be old candy. Old, hard, wrinkly candy, covered in lint.
Marc: Are you having a stroke?
Amanda: Maybe. I'm old enough!

Amanda: The human piñata look may be all the rage in Queens, but in Soho they'll arrest you for crimes against humanity.

Amanda: They don't call him "the Tripod" because he's a photographer, if you catch my drift.

Amanda: Yesterday you told me my head was too big for my neck.
Marc: That was constructive criticism.
Amanda: Well, what am I supposed to do about it?
Marc: I don't know. As a friend, my job is only to point things out.

Becks: There weren't any hotties in Africa. I mean, they're thin -- but it's sick thin, not hot thin.

Betty [to Henry]: It's so stupid. You know, I come into Manhattan every single day for work, and it's at times like these I feel like the E train dropped me off at Mars or something.

Betty [to Walter]: You're not a rock star. You play flute in a Jethro Tull tribute band.

Betty And for your information, that cover you shot with Courtney Love coming out of rehab in a wheelbarrow full of pills was our lowest-selling issue in 17 years!