Torchwood quotes

257 total quotes

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Season 4

Oswald: Who are you?
Jack: Captain Jack Harkness.
Oswald: No. I spent a long time in prison. And I know the smile of a man who's done terrible things. And your friends. I've been watching them. Sometime they like you, sometimes they love you... and sometimes once or twice, fluttering away in those tiny little gaps, they fear you.
Jack: I'm from the future.
Oswald: Well, now.
Jack: I come from the future.
Oswald: Then you must know. Do we make it through this day?
Jack: The future can change. It's being written right now. One thing I do know. I've seen the stars. I have seen the universe. I have seen the human race become vast and magnificent and endless. And I wish you could see it, Oswald. I wish you could see that, too. Because then you'd know how small you've made your life.

Ralph: Someone's breached the compound, someone with a camera.
Colin Maloney: [panicked, in denial] No, no, no. Nothing's going wrong. Nothing, nothing, nothing.
Ralph: He wants to talk to whoever's in charge.
Colin Maloney: No, he doesn't. No, no, no, he doesn't.

Reporter: Six A.M. is the appointed time of death as laid down by the state of Kentucky. Oswald Danes faces his last moments on this earth. Members of the public have gathered outside the Montrose Hill State Penitentiary, but the planned protests against the death sentence have failed to appear. Which isn't surprising given the nature of the offense. A former schoolteacher, convicted in 2006 of the rape and murder of twelve-year-old Suzie Cabena, Danes will be remembered for his infamous line of defense. Upon his arrest, he told the police, "She should have run faster."

Rex Matheson: Wales is insane!

Rex Sr.: What did you come here for, Rex? Tell me that. What the hell did you come here for?
Rex: I got hurt, Dad. I got hurt bad.
Rex Sr.: So what? I been dying down here for fifteen years. You never once cared.

Rex: Alright, so do you want to come up with a plan? Or is that just the American thing to do?

Rex: Are we really on a mission here?
Gwen: Yeah, well, maybe this is the way Torchwood does things, mate.
Rex: Yeah, well, maybe you want to drive on the other side of the street, mate.
Gwen: [beat] Oh.

Rex: Dr. Juarez. I was right. I knew you'd call me back.
Dr. Juarez: Oh, I'm doing a lot more than that. I'm joining the cause. Whatever you're doing to fight this miracle, count me in. They just took control of life and death.

Rex: Dr. Juarez. You have something that I want.
Dr. Juarez: You sound like my ex-husband.
Rex: So, does he call wanting drugs and sex?
Dr. Juarez: Yes.
Rex: Good man, but for now, I'll just settle for the drugs.

Rex: Gwen Cooper's proven herself to be extremely useful. I think it's worth keeping her on our side.
Shapiro: Did you sleep with her?
Gwen: [outraged] Pardon me?!
Shapiro: Because most women that bitter you've slept with.

Rex: My name is Rex Matheson. I'm with the CIA. I'm on an operation inside the San Pedro Overflow. No, strike that. I'm not with the CIA. Or a US government authority. I'm with Torchwood. And we're gonna expose everything that's going on here. Everything that I've just witnessed. [...] They're calling them category one's, and from what I've seen, don't ever let them call you that. The minute you hear "category one," you better get the hell out of Dodge. Because they are going to burn you. That's what this place is for. Incineration. And we all know the drill. They'll start with the category ones. The ones who can't protest. Then they'll go on to convicted felons or illegal immigrants--hell, anyone we just don't like. Because everybody gets sick. Which means one day everybody ends up here. Those ovens are waiting for all of us.

Rex: They built ovens. And you're the director. So you know that.
Colin Maloney: I'm not in charge of policy. We had instructions that got sent out nationwide--worldwide--and we had orders from above not to say anything. I just did as I was told.
Rex: Okay. All right. Okay, you're the middle man. I get it.

Rex: Vera, this is Jack Harkness.
Jack: We keep meeting. It's like destiny.
Rex: Yeah. He likes to call himself Captain Jack, but I'm not buying it.

Rex: Well all the guards are going. Regular army's coming in. They'll shut it down.
Esther: It was sanctioned. By the government. And they've got my name. They've got my name, I was on staff as Esther Drummond.
Rex: Esther, listen. Stop it, okay? Just stop it. You saved me.
Esther: I spent all that time wanting a job like yours. Look at me now.
Rex: It's okay. You're allowed to feel like this. Come here. {he kisses her forehead} But listen to me. This is not over. Not for Torchwood. And I need you in this fight. So get it together. And do it fast.
Esther: Done. I'm fine now. I'm ready.
Rex: Yeah. Me too.

Rhys: [on video phone] Can you see me? I can see you. Can you see me?
Gwen: Yes, I can see you. A little too much of you. Put up the baby!