Mystery Science Theater 3000 quotes

1930 total quotes

Crow [as Narrator]: Already the children have disturbed Uncle Jim. Uncle Jim is an edgy man who should not be riled.

Crow [as Narrator]: Father Mackenzie, darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there.

Crow [as Narrator]: Had this been an actual date, you would have been instructed where to go.
Swamp Diamonds (movie)

Crow [as Narrator]: What you are watching should have been edited in the final version. My apologies.

Crow [as Princess]: Herc, you gonna help us move?
Servo [as Hercules]: Even if it costs me my life.
Hercules: Now see them both safely back to the city.
Servo [as Hercules]: Even if it costs you my life.

Crow [as Ruth]: Oh, Carl.
Servo [as Meacham]: Uh, Cal.
Crow [as Ruth]: ... oh, Cal.
Ruth: Home...
Meacham: Thank God it's still here.
Crow: And Friday!

Crow [as Shep]: SNAUSAGES!

Crow [as Soldier/Little Caesar]: Pizza, pizza.

Crow [as The Cryptkeeper]: Welcome to the Crypt! We've dug up something for you! [chuckles] Why not stick around and watch Dream On? It's the breast show on TV! [to Joel] Kill me.

Crow: That's it. I'm just givin' in and lookin' at the breasts!

Crow: [After a car has taken an abnormally long time to park] Nobody will be admitted during the breathtaking car-parking sequence!

Crow: [as a TV announcer] Tonight's episode: "The Dead Go Fishing" with special guest star Robert Culp.

Crow: [in a midwestern voice] Oh cripes. Polish, polish, polish. That's what I do all day.

Crow: [indignantly] I don't like the villain!

Crow: [on the Prince of Space] His power apparently lies in his choosing incompetent enemies.