Mystery Science Theater 3000 quotes

1930 total quotes

Claire: I thought scientists were great explorers of the unknown.
Dr. Hedges: I'll do my exploring in the laboratory, if you don't mind.
Servo [as Hedges]: I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine! [N]

Coily the Spring Sprite: So, you never want to see another spring, eh? Okay, mister, I'll fix it so you get that wish!
Crow [as Coily]: ...In HELL!

Commando Cody: Do you mind telling me why your men are carrying out that campaign of destruction on Earth?
Servo [as Retik]: It's an election year.
Retik: Not at all. They are merely softening up your defenses for our impending invasion.
Commando Cody: Why do you want to invade the Earth?
Retik: Because the atmosphere on the Moon has become so thin and dry, it is impossible for us to raise food, except in pressurized greenhouses.
Joel [as Cody]: Get a humidifier!
The Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy (movie)

Cooper: [snidely] Allow me to introduce myself.
Servo [as Cooper]: I'm Bob Jackass.

Corporal Upham: It's just that I've never-- I haven't held a weapon since basic training, sir.
Captain Miller: Did you fire the weapon in basic training?
Corporal Upham: Yes, sir.
Mike [as Upham]: But I shot my sergeant.
Godzilla (1998)

Critter: I'll have ten Hershey bars.
Crow: Tin Hershey bars? Those are hard to eat.
Michelle: That'll be one dollar.
Servo [as Critter]: I've got a "Happenings" coupon!
Critter: Can you cash a hundred?
Michelle: I've never even seen one!
Critter: Fifty?
[Michelle shakes her head "no."]
Mike [as Critter]: Oh. Well, I'll have a thousand Hershey bars then, I guess.

Crow [as Announcer]: We've secretly switched their Folgers coffee...

Crow [as Col. Parkman]: But I've got a mantis in my pantis.

Crow [as Father]: I'm moving to Fire Island, dear.

Crow [as Gumby]: One of my classmates died in the kiln today, mother.

Crow [as Hamlet]: Stepdad, could you help me with my science fair project?

Crow [as Jeff]: Here's how far I've gotten: LA!

Crow [as Kathy Ireland]: This door sounds brown!

Crow [as Katie Barrett]: Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned: I have rubbed Pernell's toupee all over my naked body!

Crow [as Merlin]: I'm going to hit the mystical can.
. . .
Crow [as Merlin]: Remember to believe in magic... or I'll kill you.