Friday Night Lights quotes

241 total quotes

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Matt: There's this new freshmen this year and everyone think he's the next Peyton Manning or something, so I got replaced.
Shelby: Oh Matt, I'm sorry. You don't deserve that.
Matt: I didn't really deserve the job in the first place. The only reason I was starting is 'cause our quarterback, Jason Street, he got paralyzed in the middle of a game.
Shelby: Oh my god.
Matt: Yeah, it was pretty horrible. You know, they needed me and I stepped up, and I worked my ass off and I did everything I could, you know? But I guess it just wasn't really enough.
Shelby: It sounds like you did a great job...ever think about just taking a break?
Matt: You can't quit the team.
Shelby: Why, what would they do? Shoot you?
Matt: Probably. We do live in Texas.

Reporter: So, you're saying Matt Saracen is your man.
Coach Taylor: That is very much what I'm saying. Matt Saracen, whether he is on the field or off the field, whatever you throw at that young man, he can handle.

Smash: [to Coach Taylor while playing racquetball] You realize this is the whitest sport in history?

Tami: [about a house for sale] Pretty great, right?
Coach Taylor:: Honey, as much as I would love to give this to you, and the kids, and's a beautiful house. It's a lot of money. If we did this I wouldn't sleep I would be so worried. It would bury me. We can't do this. I'm sorry.
Tami: I don't need this house. I don't. 'Cause I got you and I got Jules, and Gracie Bell. And I have the best life. I don't need this house.

Tami: I love that about you.
Coach Taylor: What? That I can't make a decision to save my life?
Tami: No. That you make the decision with such a conscience. What other coach would think like that? I think it's because you're a teacher first. You--you are a molder of men. And I find that admirable, and I find that very sexy.

Tim: [A Texas Longhorn Steer is announced as the next auction item] We still have some money left. This is an opportunity. I defy anyone to pass through Riggins' Rigs with that steer in front of it and not go inside. If you get that we'll make clients for life.

Tim: [After telling Billy that Lyla's going to Vanderbilt] I'm staying in Dillon is what it means, Billy. Riggins Rigs. We're in it together now. We're gonna be poppin' beer, makin' money, gettin' off early. I'm telling you. You're not getting it...
Billy: Tim!
Tim: What?
Billy: Come here. You listen to me, you little idiot. You are not gonna wuss out on this. You're gonna go to college and you're gonna get a degree. And I don't care if it takes you 7 years, all right? And when you start thinking it's too hard or that you can't handle it, I want you to remember one thing. I want you to think about the kids that you don't have yet. And I want you to think about my kids. Me and Mindy's kids that we don't have yet. And you're gonna get the job done so that one of these days I can tell them that they don't have to settle for second best. That they can be whoever the hell they want to be because their uncle Timmy went to college. And God bless our mom and dad, wherever the hell they are.
Tim: Yeah.
Billy: But we gotta do better by our kids. Do you hear me? Tim!!?
Tim: I thought...
Billy: Do you hear me?
Tim: Yeah.
Billy: All right.
Season 4

Tim: Hey Six? Um, I hope you get everything... [clears his throat] I hope you get everything you want. But no matter what happens in there, you're always gonna be my best friend, and you deserve to be happy.
Jason: Thank you...Texas forever.
Tim: Texas forever.

Tim: Hey.
Lyla: Hey.
Tim: How are you?
Lyla: Good.
Tim: Uh, two things. Thank you, for kind of kicking my ass in gear, cause I know I needed it. And I kind of owe tonight to you. And two, I'm okay if you don't tell anyone about us. As long as this works with you.
Lyla: Wow.
Tim: Alright. [walks away]
Lyla: Tim.
Tim: Yeah [turns around]
[Lyla walks over to Tim and starts kissing him]

Tim: I'm hitting the sheets. Want to come?
Lyla: I can't. I have a rematch [on MarioKart]. Aren't you gonna watch?
Tim: No.
Lyla: Okay. Goodnight Grandpa

Tim: Last game, Seven.
Matt: No regrets.

Tim: You are coming over tomorrow night, correct?
Lyla: Mindy and Angela are gonna be there.
Tim: [confused] OK, no Mindy, what.. No.
Lyla: I don't know if you notice or not, but Mindy and Angela hate me.
Tim: What? They don't hate you. They don't even know you. If they did, they'd love you. And you know what? Somebody wants his girlfriend to be there. Okay? And you know what? If they even look at you wrong, and you don't see it, and I do? I'm gonna blindside them with the worst block they'll have ever seen. So what I want from you right now is for you to say, "Yes, Tim, I can't wait to see you and hang out with you tomorrow night".

Tim: You know what, you know what the problem really is? Is that you don't take me seriously. I'm some fling to you.
Lyla: You're not a fling.
Tim: Okay, then what's the problem? [pause]: Shoot.
Lyla: Okay. You want to know what the problem is Tim? You scare me.
Tim: I scare you.
Lyla: Yeah, you scare me. You're Tim Riggins. You show up drunk to school. You don't do your own homework. You have rally girls do your homework for you. You don't go to class. Your relationships last about 20 minutes. How am I suppose to take you seriously if you don't take yourself seriously?

Tim:It's when all the scared rats start running away from the sinking market that the true entrepreneurs come in, Billy. True visionaries.
Billy: I'm a visionary.
Herc: Psh, look at ya!

Tyra: [reading her college essay] Two years ago, I was afraid of wanting anything. I figured wanting would lead to trying, and trying would lead to failure. But now I find I can't stop wanting. I wanna fly somewhere in first class. I wanna travel to Europe on a business trip. I wanna get invited to the White House. I wanna learn about the world. I wanna surprise myself. I wanna be important. I wanna be the best person I can be. I wanna define myself instead of having others define me. I wanna win and have people be happy for me. I wanna lose and get over it. I wanna not be afraid of the unknown. I wanna grow up to be generous and big hearted, the way that people have been with me. I want an interesting and surprising life. It's not that I think I'm gonna get all these things. I just want the possibility of getting them. College represents this possibility. The possibility that things are gonna change. I can't wait.