Twin Peaks quotes

117 total quotes

Hawk: Cooper you may be fearless in this world, but there are other worlds.

James Hurley: I guess I'm not so interested in how my bike looks as in where it can take me.
Evelyn Marsh: Where do you wanna go?
James Hurley: It's not really a place its a feeling. Sometimes riding at night, I punch off the headlights and roll the throttle in just rocket blind into the dark.

James Hurley: Its true, my mother was out of town this week but she wasn't traveling. What she does is, she goes to another town, shacks up in some cheap hotel with a couple of bottles and picks up guys and...
Donna Hayward: It's alright.
James Hurley: I'm telling you this because I don't want to have any secrets from you. I don't want there to be any lies between us. Its the secrets people keep that destroy any chance they have of happiness and I don't want us to be like that.

Jean Renault: Before you came here, Twin Peaks was a simple place. My brothers sold drugs to truck-drivers and teenagers. One-Eyed Jack's welcomed curious tourists and businessmen. Quiet people lived quiet lives. Then a pretty girl dies. And you arrive. Everything changes. My brother Bernard is shot and left to die in the woods. A grieving father smothers my surviving brother with a pillow. Arson, kidnapping. More death and destruction. Suddenly the quiet people here are no longer quiet. Their simple dreams have become a nightmare. Maybe you brought the nightmare with you. And maybe, it will die with you.

Jerry Horne: Sheriff... no offense, but, eh... clearly, this man's stairs do not reach the attic. Now, your 24 hours are up! You either charge my client or let him go!
Sheriff Truman: Ben Horne, I'm charging you with the murder of Laura Palmer.
Benjamin Horne: Yeah. Good move, Jer!

Laura Palmer: [On tape] Hey, what's up, doc? Its Laura, in case you haven't guessed. It's Thursday the twenty-third and I'm so bored. Actually, I'm in kind of a weird mood. God, James is sweet, but he's so dumb, and right now I can only take so much of sweet. Hey, remember that mystery man I told you about? Well, if I tell you his name then you're gonna be in trouble. He wouldn't be such a mystery man anymore but you might be history, man. I think a couple of times he's tried to kill me. But guess what? As you know, I sure got off on it. Hmm, isn't sex weird? This guy can really light my F-I-R-E as in red corvette. Uh-oh, here comes mom with milk and cookies.
Season 2

Laura Palmer: [On tape] What's up doc? Just a few words before I go to sleep. I feel like I'm going to dream tonight. Big bad ones. You know, the kind you like. Its easier talking into the recorder. I guess I feel I can say anything. All my secrets. The naked ones. I know you like those doc. I know you like me too. That'll be my little secret, okay? Just like your coconut. Why is it so easy to make men like me? And I don't even have to try very hard. Maybe, if it was harder...

Leland Palmer: I know that Gum. That's the kind I used to chew when I was a kid! That's my favorite gum in the world.
The Man from Another Place: That Gum you like is going to come back in style.

Leland Palmer: Through the darkness of future past, the magician longs to see, one chants out between two worlds, fire walk with me!

Leo Johnson: [Standing over Bernard's corpse] Jacques' back in Canada. We had a long talk, he's staying there. Jacques was the brains in the outfit. Bernie made bail this morning on possession.
Benjamin Horne: Do me know if uh, the late Bernard gave you up?
Leo Johnson: I told him if he ever did I'd kill him.
Benjamin Horne: Oh... did he?
Leo Johnson: Nah, he shouldn't have trusted me, but like I said, Bernie wasn't too bright.

Log Lady: [Presenting her log to Cooper] You can ask it now.
Dale Cooper: [To log] What did you see that night? The night Laura Palmer was killed.
Log Lady: Shhh, I'll do the talking. Dark. Laughing. The owls were flying. Many things were blocked. Laughing. Two men, two girls. Flashlights pass by in the woods over the ridge. The owls were near. The dark was pressing in on her. Quiet then. Later, footsteps. One man passed by. Screams far away. Terrible, terrible. One voice.

Log Lady: [voiceover] A death mask. Is there a reason for a death mask? It is barely a physical resemblance -- in death, the muscles so relaxed, the face so without the animating spark. A death mask is almost an intrusion on a beautiful memory. And yet, who could throw away the casting of a loved one? Who would not want to study it longingly, as the distant freight train blows its mournful tone?

Log Lady: [voiceover] A drunken man walks in a way that is quite impossible for a sober man to imitate, and vice versa. An evil man has a way, no matter how clever -- to the trained eye, his way will show itself. Am I being too secretive? No. One can never answer questions at the wrong moment. Life, like music, has a rhythm. This particular song will end with three sharp notes, like deathly drumbeats.

Log Lady: [voiceover] A hotel. A nightstand. A drawer pull on the drawer. A drawer pull of a nightstand in the room of a hotel. What could possibly be happening on or in this drawer pull? How many drawer pulls exist in this world? Thousands, maybe millions. What is a drawer pull? This drawer pull -- why is it featured so prominently in a life or in a death of one woman who was caught in a web of power? Can a victim of power end in any way connected to a drawer pull? How can this be?

Log Lady: [voiceover] A log is a portion of a tree. (Turning end of log to camera.) At the end of a crosscut log -- many of you know this -- there are rings. Each ring represents one year in the life of the tree. How long it takes to a grow a tree! I don't mind telling you some things. Many things I, I musn't say. Just notice that my fireplace is boarded up. There will never be a fire there. On the mantelpiece, in that jar, are some of the ashes of my husband. My log hears things I cannot hear. But my log tells me about the sounds, about the new words. Even though it has stopped growing larger, my log is aware.