Mulder: Come on in.
Scully: What are you watching?
Mulder: Something that just came in the mail.
Scully: That's not your usual brand of entertainment... What is it?
Mulder: According to the magazine ad I answered, it's an alien autopsy. Guaranteed authentic.
Scully: You spent money for this?
Mulder: Twenty-nine ninety-five ..... plus shipping.
Scully: Mulder, this is even hokier than the one they aired on the Fox network, you can't even see what they're operating on!
Mulder: But it does look authentic, I mean the settings, the procedures. I mean it does look as if an actual autopsy is being prepared, doesn't it?
Scully: Well, technically, I don't know why they would be wearing gas masks.
Mulder: Well, maybe it's because of this green substance they seem to be extracting from the subject. Can you identify that?
Scully: Olive oil? Snake oil? I suppose you think it's alien blood?
Mulder: It's widely held that aliens don't have blood, Scully.
Scully: I guess this begs the question; if this is an alien autopsy...
Mulder: - where's the alien. But what so intriguing to me is the striking lack of detail here.
Scully: Well, what do you expect for $29.95?

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