The A Team quotes

54 total quotes

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Prince: (referring to Face who pretends to be a guy called Jerry) Jones, Garcia, why don't you show Jerry here what a nice street we got outside? Just make sure when he lands he don't hit my new car.

Shawn: Mr. Murdock, welcome to your new studio.
Murdock: I don't get it. I've already got a studio. My studio and I go back a long way. Long before home personal video cassette recorders.
Shawn: While you're under contract with the gallery, this is your studio
Murdock: You don't seem to understand! I need my studio! I trained inspiration to find me at that studio! Now, how is it going to find me?
Season 4

Stockwell: Check us in, the name is Robins.
Face: Come on Murdock, let's go.
Frankie: Hey! Where you guys going huh? Whats happening?
Face: Well, if you were in a strange town and you need to find somebody, who do you ask?... Cab driver.
Frankie: Ah. Yeah, but Stockwell said to stay right here and check in.
Murdock: Well, that's great, that's great, you just do that, that's great
Frankie: To B.A: come on

Stockwell: Well, perhaps that was the wrong choice of words. No commander rests easily when one of his men has fallen. But men do die. Colonel Smith understood that. He took that responsibility. Now, we've got fifteen hours and fifty-eight minutes to find the plutonium, or it won't matter whether Hannibal Smith is alive or dead. The only thing that will matter, is whether he died in vain.
Another pause
Stockwell: Now, you went against my instructions and got involved in this peddycab mess. They tried to kill you. Face and Murdock get up to leave while Stockwell has his back turned . Obviously our cover was blown the minute you stepped in the hotel.
Stockwell loooks around to see Face and Murdock gone. Then he looks up at Frankie
Frankie: Uh, Face saw a girl.
B.A: And Murdock saw something in his head.

Stockwell: Where are Peck and Murdock?
Frankie: Well, uh, Face saw a girl he knows and Murdock, he, he saw....
B.A: Somethin' in his head, aint' no tellin' what it was.
Stockwell: I believe my instructions to stand by were quite clear.
Frankie: Well, you know how impulsive boys can be.

Vanatta: What are you gonna do with us?
Face: Well, we were thinking maybe we'd tie you to a tree and leave you for the lions. They like a little snack at night.
Murdock: Yeah, the get the munchies, right after Carson.
Hannibal: Could try the old Indian trick.
Face: Stake 'em out over an anthill?
Hannibal: I've always liked it.
Face: Uh, I don't know. I'm not sure how I'd get the ants to go for these two.
Murdock: Oh, that's easy. Just stick an ice-cream con right in their pocket.
Vanatta: You guys are crazy.
Hannibal: Oh, he's crazy. We're just bad-tempered. Okay, start walking.
Vanatta: What, you are letting us go?
Hannibal: For now.
Vanatta: We'll never make it back on foot.
Hannibal: Try it on your hands and knees.

A tree falls on Murdock.
Murdock: [sings in pain] I'm a lumberjack, I'm ok. I got no legs, but what the hey.
Hannibal: How are you doing, Murdock?
Murdock: I think there is a tree on my leg.

Face and Hannibal get arrested by a county cop.
Cop: 'Course you realize when we run these prints thruogh we are gonna find out who you guys are.
Hannibal: I told you before, we're ballet dancers.
Face: That guy over at Doc's is our choreographer.
Hannibal: Yeah, we had a nasty audience. I don't think they liked our "pas the deux". Opened up on us from the first row with a .50-calibre machine gun.

Face gets hit hard in the face.
Hannibal: (holds up three fingers) How many fingers am I holding up?
Face: Blue.

Face stole Rudi's wallet and shows him.
Rudi: That's my wallet!
Face: That's right (reads the ID-card in the wallet) Charles Winston ... Wait a minute. Charles Wins ... THE Charles Winston? You're Charlie the Clip?
Rudi: You picked my pocket!
Face: No, I can't believe it. I picked the pocket of Charlie the Clip. You know who this is? I studied every scam you've ever done. This is the guy who sold the Brooklyn- Bridge. To Brooklyn!
Season 5

Hannibal is strapping an unconscious B.A. to his seat on the plane.
Amy: Excuse me, but what are you doing?
Hannibal: We're tying him up so he won't kill us if he comes-to.
Amy (looking puzzled): I see. Excuse me again, but isn't he one of you, I mean isn't he on the team?
Face: Yes.
Amy: So then why do you have to drug him?
Hannibal: He hates the pilot.
Amy: Hates the pilot? Why?
Face: Because our pilot is insane.
Amy (pointing at the cockpit): So he's up there now, flying us?
Face: Yes.
Murdock, who should be flying the plane, walks past singing. Face gets up and leads him back to the cockpit.
Face: What a kidder!
Amy: I'm not sure you are exactly what I bargained for.
Hannibal: Let's get something straight right now. You want your friend back. The authorities shined you on, so you went out and hired a bunch of gun-fighters. Now, if you wanted someone with good manners, you should've hired an English butler.
Amy: The pilot's really insane?
Hannibal: We think so.
Amy: Are you still being chased by the government?
Hannibal: That's right.
Amy: What I don't understand, is why you're not living in Switzerland, where it's safe?
Hannibal: Because we're not Swiss. We're Americans. We've got a little problem right now. But we'll work our way out of it somehow. In the mean time, we stick together and do what we do best

Murdock and Hannibal are seated in chairs will trash-bag balloons tied to them
Hannibal: Murdock, how'd I let you talk me into this?
Murdock: I don't know, I have intermittent memory loss!
Takes off over prison wall

Murdock is being shown Rorschach ink blots by a prison psychiatrist. The first picture is a butterfly
Murdock: Tractor.
Psychiatrist: You don't really see a tractor, do you, Murdock?
Murdock: (smiles) You're right. I was just guessing.
Psychiatrist: Well, don't guess. What does it look like?
Murdock: Ink. It looks like ink. See, I have done this most of my life off and on and I don't see nothin', so I just guess.
Psychiatrist: It looks like a butterfly, don't it? See, there's the wings and there's the head.
Murdock: Hey, yeah. Yeah! I see that. Yeah, it's a butterfly!
Psychiatrist: Good. Butterfly. Now what is this?
(Psychiatrist puts another picture on the table.)
Murdock: Garbage bag. Empty garbage bag.
(Psychiatrist rolls eyes and motions for the guard to take Murdock away.)
Murdock: I'd like a trash bag, please, if you have one. I really could use a trash bag.

Murdock is singing in the cockpit when Hannibal joins him.
Hannibal: The sleeping giant awakes.
Murdock stops singing and stares shocked at Hannibal.
Hannibal: How fast can you bring us down?
Murdock: You just landed, brother.

The team are driving back to the airport. B.A. slams his foot on the brakes, which causes a tape-recorder to come out from under the seat.
B.A.: I ain't going on no aeroplane!
Murdock picks up the tape recorder.
Hannibal: What's this?
Murdock presses play on the tape recorder.
Amy's voice on on the jazz. Four restless romantics...
Hannibal: Restless romantics?
Amy's voice on tape: ...the edge of society, which is the only place left they can survive...
Hannibal takes the tape recorder and presses the stop button.
Hannibal: What's this, the last reel of a Disney movie?
Amy: I wasn't going to tell you guys...but I decided to do a story on you!
B.A.: I ain't goin' on no aeroplane!
Hannibal: Forget it lady. It ain't gonna happen.
Hannibal ejects tape and gives it to Face.
Amy: C'mon guys, I know, I know. What you guys are doing is really important. You saved Al. And you caught the terrorists. Everybody's against you. The government is after you. You gotta hide. I think that's a hell of a story!
B.A.: I said I ain't gettin' on no aeroplane Hannibal!
Amy: I won't publish it until you've cleared yourselves.
Hannibal: You won't publish it, period! You think we're looking to become Book of the Month Club Celebrities? You gotta be nuts, lady!
Murdock: I'm nuts. Let's keep that straight. Okay? I got my whole room and board resting on that fact.
Hannibal: He's right.
Amy: B.A. was telling me about 'The Jazz' - and I think I caught the fever!
Hannibal: So?
Amy: let me in - or I write the book...and blow your cover!
Hannibal, Face and Murdock look at each other.
B.A.: I said I ain't gettin' on no aeroplane Hannibal!
Amy: C'mon guys, I can help you with lots of stuff! I have the paper; I have influence; I have a computer at the paper for research stuff...and I have the 1st Amendment to hide behind.
Hannibal: We'll talk about it on the aeroplane.
B.A.: I told you I ain't goin' on no aeroplane!
Hannibal: Ah, c'mon B.A., be a sport!
Hannibal tries to stick a needle into B.A.'s shoulder. B.A. grabs his arm.
B.A.: Gotcha! I told you you weren't gonna get me this time sucka, no sirree!
Hannibal: Now B.A., you know I wouldn't try to fool you.
B.A.: Don't put no dogpile shuffle on me Hannibal.
Amy sticks needle into B.A.'s shoulder.
B.A.: I...I...
B.A. falls unconscious.