Nip/Tuck quotes

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Christian: You know what they say. For every beautiful girl there is a guy tired of screwing her.

Christian: You wanna talk about the real reason you breezed into town? And do me a favour, Mr. Perez, when you answer, drop the 'no hablo English' bullshit. It doesn't add to my confusion about your predicament, it only highlights your own. I'm a doctor; what you tell me during consultation is confidential.
Silvio Perez: I prefer to let my money talk. [puts a large briefcase on the table]
Christian Troy: Nice alligator.
Silvio Perez: Twenty thousand dollars, according to your website. That's your fee.
Christian: Funny, isn't it? How certain things from Colombia have that pungent aroma that can stink up a room. Coffee, for instance, and of course there's the cartel money.
Silvio Perez: I'm not Colombian. My brother and I, we are Argentinean.
Christian: Mr. Perez, if you were Argentinean, I wouldn't have to recommend porcelain veneers. It's the only South American country with fluoride in the water. One last time, why are you running?
Silvio Perez: I was with the boss' girl.
Christian: Mr. Perez, you cad.

Christian: You´re beautiful, Mrs. Grubman. Unfortunately, we live in a world where only one kind of beauty is recognized. But I´m telling you, tonight, the way you worked that room, the way you flirted with those rich guys, batted your eyes and walked away with a $100,000 check for a cause that needs you that was beautiful to me.

Escobar: Is that the last implant?
Liz: Unless you made the poor girl eat one for shits and giggles, yes.

Escobar: You're a desperate man, Sean. Desperate men don't come to talk. They come to kill.

Gina: [surprise to see Christian show up in person] Phone out of order?
Christian: I just thought I should be here to catch you when you fainted from shock. I think we should have this baby. I mean, you should have it, and I´ll pay for it.
Gina: Cue the violins. Why the change of heart?
Christian: I´ve realized I want more. I wanna give more.

Gina: Girl meets surgeon. Girl goes home with surgeon. Surgeon has a great excuse to leave before dawn. Am I close?
Christian: We go to my place and I give her cab fare.

Gina: Just because I'm carrying Satan's baby doesn't mean I need to marry the father.

Gina: Since I started in the program, things have changed. I don't go home with anyone who reinforces my low self-image. I don't blow anyone off because he has the taste to actually like me.

Gina: Well, doctor, I wouldn't expect you to believe in a higher power. You already think you are God.

Gina: What's the matter Christian, not turned on by pregnant women?
Christian: No, just not by you.

Gina: Yeah, that's right, asshole. I'm pregnant.
Christian: First time at the plate and I get credited with the RBI.
Gina: You were the only batter.
Christian: I was wearing a rubber.
Gina: Well, slugger, either it broke or I'm carrying the next savior.

Grace: I keep forgetting about the hierarchy of McNamara/Troy; I keep imagining I'm apart of it.

Julia: Can't a woman just do something nice for her husband?
Sean: A woman can definitely do something nice for her husband. You driving 20 minutes to bring me lunch sounds like a woman who wants her husband to do something nice for her.

Julia: Having three-way sex in my house is a very big deal, Matt.
Matt: You guys are lucky that that was all I was doing. I know kids hooked on crank, kids who are plotting to blow up the school.
Julia: Congratulations. You win the award for least screwed up teenager.