Invader Zim quotes

263 total quotes

All Seasons
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Dib: Zim! I don't know what your plan is, but I'm going to stop you!
Zim: I am infecting the city with genetically mutated vermin, but you'll never know!
Dib: You just told me.
Zim: ... YOU'RE LYING!!!!

Dib: Zim! We meet again!
Zim: ...I just saw you three hours ago.

Dib:[hypnotized] I will tell Pustulio everything...[snaps out of it] Nyahh! No! Must... keep... control! [gets hypnotized again] Pustulio is my friend... [snaps out of it again] It's a pimple! Nothing more than a-! Nyahh! I... I... [gets hypnotized yet again] I... love Pustulio...
Zim: And Pustulio loves you, too. Release him, Smacky. He is part of the collective now.
[Smacky lets go of Dib]
Zim: Now. Tell me... tell me the flaw in my house's defenses.
Dib: [struggles internally] But... I can't... must infiltrate!
Zim: It would make Pustulio happy to know this thing. Don't you WANT-[pushes Pustulio around to increase hypnotic power]-to make Pustulio happy?
Dib: Yes... no!
Zim: [raises eyebrow] If you tell me, I'll let you hold Pustulio's little hand. [holds up one of Pustulio's hands for Dib to see]
Dib: [talking against will] The weakness... is simple... a blind spot... [cringes] in your gnome field. Nothing to stop me from simply tunneling under house... [cringes again] and attach a spy monitoring system.
[a pause, then Zim begins laughing maniacally]
Zim: Success!

Doot: Ooh!I wanna rent this one!
Video Store Clerk: Why?!? So you can keep it for weeks and weeks and not return it? What about all the other people that wanna watch it?!? You ever think about them? Huh? HUH?!?
[Doot begins to cry]

Dwicky: A real space ship. Space ship! And you actually fly through the stars seeing all the universe?
Mooshy: Well, flying through the stars would be pretty STUPID, man! But yeah, we fly around. You want to come along?
Dwicky: Wow! Do I?!?

Eric the Blob: Hey little Sizzly. You look sadder than me.
Zim: It's this job, I hate it! And I can't leave or the security system will make me explode.
Alien Kid: He gonna 'splode, momma!
Zim: That horrible child.

Eric: The Chicky meal! It comes with a dirty chicken toy! The head comes off and can be used like a little grappling hook.
Dib: That's a...weird thing for a chicken to do.

Gaz: Are there any video games around here?
Zim's Computer: No. Not really.
Gaz: I guess I'll help save the earth, then.

Gaz: Hey, you're getting pieces of wall in the food!

Gaz: That Game Slave is rightfully mine. I'll buy it from you, but there's no way you're keeping it. Not without invoking my wrath anyhow.
Iggins: You know, you need help.

Gaz: That was your fate of the world work? Jumping in a puddle?! You do realize I have to destroy you now.
Dib: It was worth it. Score 1 for the human race, score NOTHING for the Zim... thingy... race.
Gaz: I will destroy you.

Gaz: What game is that?
Dib: This is no game THIS IS MY LIFE!!

Giant Cookie Seller Girl: [to Dib] Hey! This is ham! You can't pay for cookies with ham!
Dib: Why was there ham in my pocket?

GIR: [gasps] It's got chicken legs!
Zim: Yes...chicken legs. It also possesses a new generation distortion cloaking system. You know what that means?
GIR: Oooh... [flips out then stops]
Zim: That means it turns invisible!
GIR: I had no idea.

GIR: [in duty mode] The knowledge, it fills me. It is neat.
Zim: GIR! You've drained enough humans today!
GIR: [in duty mode] Data canister is not yet full!
Zim: I command you to get out of here before we're noticed...some more.