Boy Meets World quotes

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Shawn: I hate being the third wheel.
Cory: Oh, please. You know, you've been the third wheel with me and Topanga so long, I think of us as a tricycle.

Shawn: I hate to have to tell you this, but, my dad died last week.
Merle: So, who shot him?

Shawn: What's the point of even going to class?
Cory: Because otherwise we have to go to war.

Shawn: Wow.
Cory: What?
Shawn: You brought pudding to college!
Cory: Hey, I got one for you.

Stuart: Any more questions, George?
Feeny: Just one. Is it okay if I rip off your head and roll it down the hallway?

Stuart: Shawn!
Shawn: Stuart!
Stuart: Nice haircut.
Shawn: Thanks. Eight bucks.
Stuart: Looks like it.

Topanga: [showing box] The Fiancée Game. It's for engaged couples.
Rachel: Oh, I was almost engaged once. We planned our whole futures together. I hope he dies.
Eric: [to Cory and Topanga] We don't actually have to be engaged to play the game, do we?
Rachel: [rambling to self] Not just dies, burns...
Eric: [to Cory and Topanga] 'Cause that'd be okay with me.
Rachel: [rambling to self] I wanna step on his face with a golf shoe...
Eric: [cheerfully] That's very hostile. Will you marry me?
Rachel: Sure, why not? We already live together.

Topanga: Cory, I never asked you to wear an engagement ring. You saw mine and said, "Pretty. I want one."

Topanga: I want my family to be at my wedding. I want your family to be there. Cory, I wanna wear a wedding dress! A white, lacy wedding dress!
Cory: Of course, white. The way we're going, bright white. Snow white. Whiter than the white-hot light of a thousand burning suns!
Topanga: How long are you gonna be mad at me?
Cory: Ten minutes.

Topanga: Oh, by the way, my parents are coming into town.
Cory: "Oh, by the way, my parents are coming into town"? Oh, by the way, Captain Titanic, the ship's in two pieces!!

Topanga: Okay Rachel, same question. If you could change one thing about Jack, what would it be?
Rachel: He's too passive, and he needs to voice his opinions more.
Topanga: What do you think of that, Jack?
Jack: I don't know.

Topanga: What is this? [holds up paper]
Shawn: It's a B! Hey, we got the same grade.
Topanga: This is a travesty.
Angela: I got a B-plus.
Topanga: Who cares? How do I get the same grade as these two schlubs?

[Cory and Shawn are trying to open a jar.]
Shawn: Hand me the rare Phoenician mallet. [Cory hands him a mace-like object] No, no, no, no. That's an early Egyptian dental tool. [Cory hands him a small, wooden hammer] Here we go [hits the jar's lid and the hammer head pops off] Phoenician piece of crap.
Cory: Shawn, you broke it. That's not part of the plan.
Shawn: I'll replace it! I see them all the time at Bed, Bath & Phoenician. [still can't open jar] Here, hand me the Byzantine statue of King Hopheratu. [Cory hands him a small, golden statue. Shawn hits it against the jar lid. It shatters] Home Shopping Channel! There are 6 billion of them left.

[during a karaoke contest]
Topanga: I just don't think this is the right song for us.
Cory: You wanna win or not?
Topanga: Yes, I wanna win, I just don't think you and I are the right people to express this particular sentiment!
Cory: Topanga, it's a beautiful song, and we're gonna sing it. [nods and grins] Hit it, Cap'n Randy!
[Music starts.]
Cory: [screaming and flashing his hands] WAR!!
Topanga: [monotone] Huh.
Cory: [gyrating and grimacing] What is it GOOD FOR!
Topanga: [monotone] Absolutely nothing. Say it again.
Cory: WAR!!
Topanga: Good God, you all.
Cory: This is all a big JOKE to you isn't it, Topanga?! (storms off stage)

[Eric recruits Jack to be a mall elf.]
Eric: You're going to be making like five bucks an hour!
Jack: Wait a second, you get twelve bucks an hour?!
Eric: Hi -- I'm Santa. You're just an elf. Read your Bible.