Big Love quotes

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Margie: I am a terrible wife. I should've never married your father. And your mother.
Sarah: And Nicki.
Margie: Especially Nicki.

Margie: Nicki doesn't have a mom anymore, so she's trying to steal mine.

Margie: Nicki, can I tell you a secret?
Nicki: If you must.

Margie: Your father said we cannot call a plumber.
Ben: I know.
Margie: Do you think he's a cheapskate?
Ben: Umm, I believe the word is thrifty.

Nicki: [about Barb] Do you think she's happy for me? About the baby?
Margie: Of course. She loves babies. Sometimes I think she wishes my boys were hers.
Nicki: Sometimes I think they wish the same thing.

Nicki: [about Bill] He's been so happy! And he saw me in the car and pretended he didn't see me. And then he gave us flowers to throw me off the trail. I mean, don't you see? Do you see it?
Wanda: You don't think he's...?
Nicki: He is, yes! He is seeing a fourth wife. This is exactly what he did when he got interested in Margene. Honestly, I knew even before I knew, you know?
Wanda: It's so easy to see through them. They're kind of cute that way.

Nicki: [thinking about baby names] What do you think of the name Noel?
Bill: I think it says "Kick me and take my lunch money."

Nicki: [to Barb, about Margie and Bill having loud sex] Can you believe it? It's like a train whistle!

Nicki: [to Margie] Poor Joey and Wanda. They're all they've got. No other spouses to lean on. How are they going to make it through this crisis with only each other?

Nicki: I didn't marry for love. I married for the principle.
Barb: I didn't. I tried. I don't know if I have a testimony for the principle. But I love you, I love our family more and more.
Nicki: That frightens me. I don't know that a marriage based on love can go the distance. The secret holiness of the institution. The sanctity of marriage. Without it, it's just random couplings, with no purpose or stick-to-it-iveness. How will we survive the bad times on just love?

Nicki: I love you, Bill.
Bill: I love you, too.
Nicki: How much?
Bill: I say it's astronomical, beyond all measure.
Nicki: I have $58,000 in debt.

Nicki: Margene, you're grounded.
Margie: Excuse me?
Nicki: Or you're on probation. You do not involve our kids in your filthy habits.
Margie: No, no way. You have no authority over me.
Nicki: Authority? Wait just one minute. I'm second, you're third, get it?
Margie: Second's not first. It's nothing.

Nicki: You're the weak link, Margie.
Margie: What?
Nicki: We have to be realistic. You can't keep a secret like me and you're not a good liar like Barb.
Barb: [alarmed] What do you mean I'm a good liar?
Nicki: With the neighbors. You're so effortless; you're pro.

Roman: [to Bill] Listen to me, son, carefully. There's man's law and there's God's law... and I think you know which side I'm on.

Sarah: [to Barb, about polygamy] I don't think anybody knows, Mom, and not everybody cares.