Avatar: The Last Airbender quotes

444 total quotes

Aang: Hey, Katara.
Katara: Can you believe she won't let me in? And after all the business I've given her!
Aang: But she doesn't even charge.
Katara: I know, but still.

Aang: I don't know why, but I thought you'd be better than Zuko.

Aang: I know how to deal with these guys, Katara. Pirates love to haggle. Watch and learn. [walks over the Pirate Captain.] What say ye to the price of... one copper piece!
Pirate Captain: Hahaha! The price is 200 gold pieces. I don't haggle on items this rare.
Aang: Okay, two copper pieces!
Pirate Captain: It's not as amusing the second time, boy.
Sokka (to Katara after mensioning waterbending) : Yeah maybe we can find you a nice puddle to splash in. Sokka (looking at huge waterfall): Nice puddle

Aang: I laugh at gravity all the time. Hahaha, gravity...

Aang: I said I would face justice, so I will. (spins Wheel of Punishment)
Spectator 1: (rooting) Come on, torture machine!
Old Man: Eaten by bears!
Spectator 2: Razor pit!
Katara: (worried) Community service! Please stop on community service.

Aang: I'd steer clear of the sea prunes.
Toph: I thought they were ocean kumquats.
Aang: Close enough.

Aang: Katara, did you really mean what you said in there?
Katara: In where? What are you talking about?
Aang: Onstage, when you said I was just like a brother to you and that you didn't have feelings for me...
Katara: I didn't say that! An actor said that.
Aang: But it's true, isn't it. (sadly) We kissed at the invasion... and I thought we were gonna be together... but we're not.
Katara: Aang... I don't know.
Aang: Why don't you know?
Katara: Because, we're in the middle of a war and we have other things to worry about. This isn't the right time.
Aang: (impatiently) Well, when is the right time?
Katara: Aang, I'm sorry, but right now, I'm just a little confused. (Aang leans in and kisses Katara, who backs away furiously) I just said I was confused! ...I'm going inside. (runs away)
Aang: (hits his head and groans) Aaargh, I'm such an idiot!

Aang: Ladies and gentlemen, THE FLAMEO'S!

Aang: Or, as they say in the Fire Nation, "stay flamin'!"

Aang: Please! I don't normally play this card, but I'm the Avatar.

Aang: So, what cool move are you gonna teach me first? Rock-a-lanche? The Trembler? Oh, oh, maybe I can learn to make a whirlpool outta land...
Toph: Let's start with, "Move A Rock."

Aang: That's amazing! I can't believe you were friends with Monk Gyatso just like I was!
Roku: Some friendships are so strong they can even transcend lifetimes.

Aang: The past can be a great teacher. (trips over a wire, opens a spike trap, and manages to blow himself over it just in time and looks back fearfully) Zuko? I think the past is trying to kill me!

Aang: This goes against everything I learned from the monks. I can't just go around wiping out people I don't like.
Sokka: Sure you can! You're the Avatar. If it's in the name of keeping balance I'm pretty sure the universe will forgive you.

Aang: This is Appa, my flying bison.
Sokka (sarcastically): Right, and this is Katara, my flying sister.