7th Heaven quotes

86 total quotes

Sgt. Michaels (to Annie): If you need any help trying to find a lawyer...
Annie: What?!
Sgt. Michaels: We're releasing her without bail on your recoginance, but this isn't over. She's... you're gonna need a lawyer.

Simon Camden: You know, "dog" is "God" spelled backwards.

Simon: (just waking up) Hey where's Grandpa?
Eric: I'm sorry Simon but...he's gone.
Simon: Wow him too?
Eric: No, to Phoenix, Simon he went back to Phoenix.
Simon: (chuckling) Oh. I thought you meant---
Matt: Come on Simon let's go.

Simon: (to Matt) When you see Lucy, tell her she never looked better or I'm a dead man!

Simon: Nobody seems to know where you go when you die.
Ruthie: I know where.
Simon: You don't either.
Ruthie: Uh huh!
Simon: Fine, where?
Ruthie: I don't know the name, but I know it's where I was before I was born.
Simon: You were in Mommy's stomach before you were born.
Ruthie: No, before that.
Simon: I don't know where that is. I can't picture Grandma there.
Ruthie: Picture Grandma right here, in your heart.

Simon: Now Ruthie this is an adult conversation.

Simon: That's it, pack it up sister, you're out of here!
Ruthie: No, I'm not your personal ballet!

Simon: Well, I know my phone number when someone asks for it.
Ruthie: And still no one calls.

Simon: Well, Matt I've been thinking...
Matt: Well, don't do that you might hurt yourself.

Steve: I'm a tortured man because...I'm a Bigamist!
Eric: Well, I have good news. She can't divorce you, you're not legally married.

The Colonel: Hello.
Jimmy: Hey.
Grandma Ruth: "Hey" is for horses. Are you a farmer, Mr. Moon?
Jimmy: No.
The Colonel: Do you know who I am?
Jimmy: Lucy's grandfather?
The Colonel: I am Colonel John Camden, United States Marines!