115 total quotes

Milo Pressman: What do you think they're going to do to Jack?
Tony: Not going to name a street after him, that's for sure.

Nina: Tony, I need you to do something for me.
Tony: For you or for Jack.

Nina: You're lying.
Jack: Yes I am. But you're still going to have to trust me.

Richard Walsh: How are you doing?
Jack: I can't complain.
Richard Walsh: Can't or won't?

Richard Walsh: If Palmer gets hit, the first African-American with a real shot at the White House, they'll tear this country apart.

Richard Walsh: We have reason to believe that by the end of the day an attempt will be made on David Palmer's life.

Rick: (Suffering from a bullet wound and running through the woods) I can't!
Jack: Shut up! You can and you will!
Rick: But I'm slowing you down.
Jack: Yes you are so you'd better start speeding up!

Teri Bauer: [hysterical, talking about Kim] What do you mean you don't know where she is?
Tony: After the safehouse, she didn't trust us and I don't blame her. Get in!
Teri Bauer: We have to find her, Tony! We have to find her!
Tony: Believe me, we're looking. Teri, GET IN THE CAR!
Day 2

Tony: How could you do this? Betray your country, be responsible for the deaths of people you work with?
Jamey Farrell: I told you, I didn't know any of that was going to happen.
Tony: Oh, that's right. You're just tappin' on your keyboard, right?

Tony: Let me save you some time, Mr. Chappelle. I'm not the biggest fan of Jack Bauer. I don't agree with the way he delegates authority, and I don't like the way he runs operations. But since midnight last night, you won't get me to disapprove of a single action he's taken.

Tony: You mind telling me what's going on around here tonight?
Jack: What's going on? You mean besides a 747 falling out of the sky and a threat on a presidential candidate's life?
Tony: Yeah, besides that.

Vincent O'Brien: Hello?
Jack: Vincent, Jack Bauer. You planning on seeing Kimberly tonight?
Vincent O'Brien: No way, man. We broke up, you know that.
Jack: I just wanted to make sure you knew that.
Vincent O'Brien: Chill, man. I don't know where she is. You've got my word.
Jack: That's a real comfort, Vincent, knowing I've got your word.